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He must have noticed me staring when he spoke with an edge of amusement. "Your physio begins tomorrow at 0900" he grinned heartily. I nodded in return.

Merriment projected from my body. however the idea of Poe knowing something you never wished anyone to find out, toyed with your mind. Picking at my heart strings like little daggers, not causing immediate pain but mocking and taunting me with the history I never wished to re visit.


Time: 0830

Getting out of bed was less painful than I thought. I was tempted to call for help with the buzzer Seth had given me. I gripped tightly onto the edges of the bed and strained to pull myself up. My eyes squeezed shut as I winced in slight pain, causing the scar of my left arm to pulse with agony.

A warm shower embraced my skin, wrapping me in a homely and captivating spell of bliss. The water trickled down my left arming triggering me to flinch slightly but I quickly adjusted to the cloak of protection.

Getting dressed was hard as well. Putting on a shirt was extremely tough on my scarred arm but I persevered, pulling the khaki top over my head and flattening the creases with my hands. I stepped into black trousers, perfect in size, highlighting my subtle curves.

A delicate knock filled the room. "Come in" I said. Seth entered, still managing to keep a strong smile. His jaw slowly dropped in awe as his eyes less than subtly trailed up and down your body as you stood uncomfortably still, enjoying his gaze. He met your eyes with a delighted smile.

"You ready for physio?" He said

"Ready as i'll ever be" I giggled following him out the double doors.


Physio dragged on, I wont lie it was tedious repeating lunges and stretches trying to get my muscles to function smoothly. On the other hand Seth was by my side, assisting me up and down steps and walks through the corridors.

It was nice to be with someone who projected such optimism. The whole hour was filled with him laughing at my slightly snarky comments and me laughing at his ridiculous humour. Perfect.

At the end of the session we sat down in the empty cantina.

"So tell me about you" he said, his voice trailed off from a laugh. He stared intently into my eyes genuinely curious.

I lied.

"Well I was born and raised into the resistance" I lied through my teeth "My dad was a pilot so I wanted to follow his steps and... here I am" I ran my hand through my hair out of nervousness. He gaped in admiration but then crinkled his eyebrows with questioning. I am not in the mood to be interrogated today please stop asking-

"Oh, I was raised here too" shit "Funny though, I've never seen you here before" he challenged.

Quick. Think.

"Oh right well- I uh-" I stared at the table "I wasn't allowed out much, my mum was protective" I answered. Thank god he couldn't read my mind.

"Hm..." he hummed, please don't ask anymore.

He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by an arrogant Poe with one hand on his hip. Usually that seemed feminine but his confident brash behaviour made him look intimidating.

Seth knew he wasn't welcome so he nodded gently in your direction and walked past Poe, lightly brushing shoulders. Poe sat down in font of you with meaning.

He sighed bitterly.

I sat in silence.

"I know you want to explain yourself kid." he gestured to you "So this is your chance."

I bore into his eyes. This was my chance.

"I was born into the First Order. My purpose was to be a sort of- how did you put it- oh... 'pet' to their supreme leader" I choked on his name "Kylo Ren" I continued valuing the opportunity to redeem myself. Poe listened carefully.

"My job was to lure innocents we assumed were associated with the resistance" I pointed at him as a reference "I always knew it was not morally right but a job is a job so I did what I could". I gasped as I remembered something "Kotrana and I-" Poe's eyes widened but I continued "We escaped, barely alive. Before all this she was very passionate about her job you know? Eager to impress our generals but when I finally saw the light she found it in her heart to agree". My word trailed off at the end as I realised in the heat of the moment I exposed my biggest secret to my former enemy.

Poe didn't say much at first, he just surveyed me closely, deep in his thoughts.

I took the moment to get a good look at him in detail.

The way his chestnut eyes seemed to be always on edge, ready to pounce. must be a pilot thing. The way his loose curls bounced up and down in the mellow wind. How his thick eyebrows harshly furrowed when he thought. How his flawless tan skin reminded me of the warmth of the sun.

I hated to admit he was gorgeous.

"Kid. I still don't trust you-" my heart dropped "-yet. You know my best friend Finn, you met him didn't you?" I nodded "Yeah, he was a trooper, like you he saw what was right and what was wrong. He escaped with me after I was captured.." Poe relived the memory in his head and then he smiled to himself.

"I didn't trust him at first but people change and I hope we can learn to gain each others trust." He looked up at me.

"I am stuck with you as a partner so lets settle this" he held out his hand, aching for me to shake it so we could settle our differences.

I took it.


His grasp tightened around my hand as he dragged me to the floor, treating me like a piece of shit he found lying about.

His mechanical voice hissed through his helmet.

"That is the last time I want to see you making 'friends' with my crew you hear me?"

All I could do was nod, tears streaming like a torrential river.

"Good" he hissed in my ear causing me to shiver.

"You're my little -pet- aren't you"

I said nothing.

He strangled me under his grip

"Aren't you." he spewed.

"Yes Supreme Leader" you recited his speech for you. "I will serve you with no emotion for the victims of the First order. I will serve you with no hesitation and will bring in anyone you wish. I will serve you with my life. I will serve you until I die"

He hummed in approval leaving me in a mess on the floor


"Kid" Poe waved his hand in my face "Hey you good?"

I snapped out of the daydream. fuck.

"Yeah- yeah I'm fine" i think.

"Okaaaay" he stared at me judgmentally. fair enough.

He shook his head slightly in frustration and left the cantina. Leaving me just before the rush at lunch time happened.



assured liar ☼ poe dameronWhere stories live. Discover now