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Someone broke in.

I sunk down the front door and curled into a ball. My clasped my knees to my chest a room deep breathes.

who did this.


I dashed to no where getting looks of judging as I scurried past countless people. With no destination in mind I didn't stop. Tearing through crowds in frustration aching for fresh air.

who in their right mind would do this....

I ran ideas of who it could be in my head. Poe? Maybe, he seemed really pissed at the canteen... Rana? Of course not, I scorned at that ridiculous thought. Why would she want to run through her own stuff? Vella? Possibly.... After her performance in the morning I wouldn't be surprised.

Only when I snapped out of my thoughts I realised I was still running full pace to nowhere. I ended up in the woods. I looked around and reached to the musty, damp wood. In this foreign forest the sky wasn't in view, it was vanishing above me, blocked entry by the towering giants.

The afternoon air was fragrant with wood and shrubbery. The crisp atmosphere exposed the visible puffs of air I took. In the cold it felt like life has stopped all together, I gazed at the canopy above me, desperate to find the life I wished to see. There was no birds ringing in my ear only the sounds of my heavy breathing.

The bare branches spiked into the air, lacking their gorgeous autumnal buzz of warm orange and reds. Except the leaves were scattered on the dry mud, reflecting to my eyes in a bladder-brown colour. The trees limbs sprawled revealing their splotched and streaked bark. Wet moss dangled from their arms.

A deep sob and moan weaved through the forest, cries of broken branches and rotting plants filled the ghostly forest.

Being alone with your thoughts was dangerous.

Scenarios raced in my mind. The impulsive decision to run was hitting me. I had no clue where I was. Was I alone? If yes, how the fuck do I get back. If no, who - or what- was watching me.

The occasional rustle of leaves caused me to look aware all the time. My head darted back and forth looking for the sounds all around. Unknown presences lurked in the shadows, aching to pounce of me who was helplessly lost.

A whisper. I could hear my heart beat rapidly in my ear.

Another whisper, closer this time. I turned quickly trying to follow it.

The hissing kept circling me, I was the prey. It was the predator.

It didn't take me long to gain my focus when I saw- Him. The predator, his black cloaks elegantly flowing behind his tall figure. His mask made him more alarming.

"Pet." the words pounded into my head. Slightly echoed.

"If you're here, why haven't you attacked them" I was referring to the resistance.

His laugh filled the ice air, "I already told you, I'm in your mind kid. Do you never listen" his mechanical voice hinted mockery.

I spat on ground by his feet. "You disgust me. Leave. Get OUT of my head." I have never wanted to rip someone's head off so badly in my life.

"You care about him." He stated as if it were obvious.

"Who, I don't know what you're talking about-" I choked on my lies.

"The doctor, you care about him" He paced in front of me threateningly.

"I swear if you lay a hand-"

He cut me off by just lifting his hand, merely his presence was enough to silent me.

"I won't." He chuckled menacingly.

"LIAR" I hissed, I am not falling for his game again. His response wasn't what I expected, his leather gloves lifted to the sides of his helmet and with a click followed by a hiss of air being released, he took the helmet off lightly shaking his hair from his face.

He bore into my gaze.

His eyes burnt, not with anger but with mockery and confidence. He knew what would trigger me. He wanted me to react.

His loose black curls reached his should and he bent down to confront me.

"I will see you shortly kid."

He looked around frantically as new voices filled the air. I blinked and he had left me again alone and lost.

I turned to the direction of the voices and used all my energy to call out in response to my name.

"Skye..!" An unfamiliar voice shouted.

"Drayson can you hear us?" Another called.

"Come on dude.... maybe she got eaten or something" A cocky laugh came after this.

"Shut up dickhead, Commander's orders we have to find her..... Dead or alive" The masculine voice gagged on the last sentence.

Commander. No way it can't be-.

"She's here! I found her!" I kinda recognised who it was, I had met him at training. Nash, I think his name was. Another familiar face came round the corner. Sieana, another pilot in training, I recall her being bubbly and optimistic.

"Thank gods" She smiled at Nash "Gah he would've killed us" Nash chuckled at her response and pulled his glance to the face I didn't know.

"Oh- I'm Malik" He introduced himself nervously, not attempting to step forward, maintain a wary distance. I darted a smile back, trying to be nice.

"Ok, well lets get her back" Sieana commented after noticing the discomfort in the air.


The walk back proved I hadn't gone too far into the forest. I felt stupid so I apologised profusely to the trio for having to come out and find me.

I was walked straight back to my dorm. Upon opening the door I fell into Rana's open arms. She didn't seem too phased about the situation so she just held me in her embrace. Her hand ran through my hair and her shirt got dampened by my tears.

"I know... I know" she said softly.

The room was filled with nothing but my staggered breaths and Rana cooing in my ear, trying to keep my calm. I didn't deserve her.

"Uh" Rana hesitated "There was a note" I looked up into her eyes, no doubt she saw wells of water and red, bloodshot eyes. She passed me a crumpled note.

Watch your back. Be thankful, I'm saving you from your true enemies. Trust your instinct Skye, you know what you have to do. If you report this to anyone, I will know, I will take whatever is closest to your heart without thinking twice. Leave the pilot course. Disappear and never re surface.

It signed off with.

My patience is limited. Unlike my authority.

I only realised my hand was shaking hard, blurring the words in front of me, after I read it.
i adore creative writing so the forest scene was amazing to do (:

hope you love it as much as i do

leave a vote (and comment) if you wish! it would mean lots

byeeeeee 🤪

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