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"Thank you again" i mustered.

His smile crept on his face slowly exposing his white teeth.

"My pleasure, again" he chucked to himself.

Our joint silence continued for what seemed like hours, I enjoyed the silent company, not being alone was a blessing.

The silent company felt like my only trust.


Sleep fell upon me quickly, wrapped in sheets of warmth sent me into a deep slumber. No dream, but I wouldn't complain, the past few dreams I have had haven't exactly been the most reassuring.

Once again the obnoxious alarm on the base caused us all to reluctantly rise to start a new day, everyone with different jobs however everyone motivated for the same cause.

Taking down the First Order.

The murderous scum were the reason for who I was. Nervous, aware and constantly on edge. Recently, the slightest movement would cause me to go into hysteria.

For the past 24 hours I secluded myself from the rest of the base, refusing anyone to enter my dorm (unless it was Rana).

She hadn't quite got over me telling the General about the note, but I know deep down she understood it was for the best.


I look up to see Rana peeking round the side of the door, I gestured for her to come in. She wordlessly sat on her bed opposite mine. She opened her mouth to speak, I didn't need to hear it.

"Rana, listen I am sorry but... its what's best for all of us here" I was indicating to the base. She ran her hand through her thick hair and sighed.

"It was selfish." .

That's all she had to say? I internally rolled my eyes.

Are you kidding me?! I cant put everyone under this roof at risk. Then again she had a point... It was selfish, possibly risking her life. But she's safe here, no one will hurt her. Gods.

I chose to ignore her comment. I thought she was getting over it, obviously not. I peered at the clock on top of my dresser, 0855. Training starts in 5 minutes, luckily the arena is only a few doors down.


I hovered at the entrance to the arena for a second or two, preparing myself both mentally and physically for the next hours of hardcore work.

The cold door knob met the warm skin of my hand and i pulled the door open.

Poe was already here, of course, setting up routines and weights on the floor. There was a rack of different weapons on the left wall and opposite was a few training mats in the middle.

I stood at the door and admired Poe as he "pre-trained" for our arrival. I laughed to myself. Who pre trains for intensive training? He's already sweating thoroughly.

A voice interrupts my thoughts.

"I don't know about you but i'm enjoying the view.." Rana's distinctive voice piped up. someone's in a better mood.

I couldn't help but feel a sprig of jealousy at her words, Im not entirely sure why. I wasn't highly attracted to the pilot.

I'm guessing it's the fact that Kotrana is just genuinely one of the most beautiful people I had ever met.

Poe'a voice interrupted my self deprecation time.

"Seeing as you're both punctual" he grinned "we can begin". We walked into the arena and sat on the table in the far left corner, Poe sat opposite.

"Today we are gonna be working on predicting your enemies move." He gestured his arms towards us. "If your enemy has you pinned down and you can't hit them back. What do you do?" He questioned. Rana was quick to answer.

"Simple" she giggled and glanced slightly in my direction and the looked Poe straight in the eyes "Try to knee them in the ribs, bonus points if it's a man and you kick him in the parts" she girlishly giggled at her joke.

She lightly pouted her lips together and smiled looking at Poe. Way to be subtle.

He didn't seem to be that affected by it then he placed both hands on the table to support himself as he got up.

"Right, good thats step one. Demonstration time" he got up swiftly, Rana on his tail, me slightly dreamed behind. We walked to the training mats. He wasn't messing around.

"Rana lie on the floor please, hands by your side" Poe instructed.

Rana did so and a sly smirk crept on her face. "Are you going to straddle me Commander".

I internally screamed and cringed at this. Keep it in your pants Rana holy fuck.

Again , Poe did not seem bothered.

"No" he looked at me "Skye will you please lock Rana down on the ground". I obeyed and placed myself over my friend. I looked up at him.

A sharp pain in my rib caused me to wince in agony. I was rolled harshly to my side and there Rana stood over me, leg on my chest.

"Step two" Poe offered me his hand so I could get up "Never take your eye off your enemy" he smirked.


Training wasnt all bad in the end. I learnt new fighting stances and got my one up on Rana as I defeated her in a mini duel. Same time tomorrow then?


Boredom struck me as I lay staring at the balms ceiling in my room. I knew where I could go-


My heart jumped at the thought of seeing his pearly smile and bubbling laugh. I leaped out of my bed and headed straight for the Medical Wing.

I got a few stares from nurses as they saw my red flushed cheeks when I asked where Seth was set. They gestured to his work space.

I peered round the corner of a blue curtain to see Seth sat on an empty patient bed writing busily in his notepad.

I adored how his eyebrows wrinkled with concentration. How he bit his lip when he thought intensely. He definitely noticed my stares as our eyes met and a smile grew on both of our faces

He greeted me with a tight hug.

"Hey" he said into my forehead.

"Hey" I smiled into his chest, he let go and looked down at me.

"Are you free for a bit?" I asked tentatively.

"For you? Always" his smile remained on his slightly rosy cheeks .

"Care to join me for a walk Doctor?" I mockingly said in a posh accent, he laughed deeply.

"Of course M'lady" He offered me his arm and I giggled loudly.

Time with Seth was treasured.

ik it wasn't very action pacckkkedd buuuttt

goNnA gEt bEefY stay tuned (:

any feedback lemme know! x

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