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I ran my hand through my hair and rested it where he held it moments ago.

The warm feeling rushed from my body and I stood cold and alone.


A week dragged by slower than I could've imagined.

Hours would go by and I was slowly running out of things to occupy myself with. Of course, I spent time with Siena a lot and don't get me wrong I adore her but after a while things get tedious.

I slipped into the vicious cycle of sitting in the base's hangar for hours upon end. Occasionally someone would come by but no one stuck around for long.

Once again I was sat on the same crater, in the same spot, in the same room with the same dull feeling weighing me down.

I ached for Poe to stop avoiding me. Whenever I went to speak with him he always sped off in the opposite direction. Everyone shot with confused glances when he stormed through the corridors.

I have questions, and I'm not getting enough answers.

Heavy footsteps made me shoot up from my seat and I brushed off my legs. I tried to make myself look busy but turned when the footsteps stopped.


Aaram stood up against my X-Wing. For once he didn't look smug, his face was neutral, almost solemn.

"To what do I owe the pleasure" sarcasm was heavily hinted in my voice. I didn't have the time for this bullshit.

"I don't wanna fight with you-" Aaram held his hands up in defence before looking to a crater on the floor. He tilted his head toward the makeshift chair.

"Make yourself at home." I didn't hide it when I rolled my eyes. Aaram places himself down on the crate with caution, he crossed his legs and held his head in his hand.

Slowly, I pulled a nearby crater to sit opposite him. With a sigh, I was ready to endure whatever he had to say.

His brow knitted into a faint frown and the corner of his plump lips curled into a sheepish smile.

"You know," he begun.

"When I first met you I knew you'd be a little troublemaker" he looked up slightly, thinking.

"Choose your next words carefully-" I threatened, any conversation I had with him never ended well.

"Hey calm down rags, I'm just talking to ya" he snapped back to my comment. His body relaxed and he leant back on his hands casually. I scowled at the nickname I hated.

"But when you said about the whole lazer sword thing I-

"Lightsaber" I corrected him, a frown fell on my face when he huffed in response.

"Lightsaber" he emphasised before continuing

"-I always knew you were a badass but damn rags, wasn't expecting that." He chuckled deeply to himself before looking in my eyes.

"Guess what I'm tryna say is well done" a faint smile lay on his face, eager for a response.

"Thank you but I don't want praise from anyone right now"

"Not even your pretty little flyboy?"

My breath got stuck in my throat. I swallowed my confidence and a sly smirk re appeared on Aaram's face. Unexpectedly he bellowed a deep laugh.

"You honestly thought no one would notice?" He clutched his stomach as he slowed down laughing.

"I saw you kissing him rags. Pressed up against him in the hangar" he gagged on the thought of it. His eyes narrowed and he leant forward slightly.

"Just so you know," his voice lowered to a deep whisper.

"There's always someone watching." He started to stand and I looked up at him.

"Between you and me? You could do so much better than that guy. He's been with every breathing woman on this base." He stuffed his hands in his trouser pockets and leant on his left leg.

"You're just another one on his list" he finished and turned to walk out of my view. When I heard the footsteps fade into silence I let myself tremble in the seat.

Glassy tears threatened to leak from my eyes but I squeezed my eyes shut, refusing to cry. My heart sunk into nothing. Something inside me believed every word Aaram said. No doubt, Poe was attractive and I was sure a lot of people would want to get with him.

But something else deep inside told me otherwise.

A lighter set of footsteps filled the silent hangar. Around the corner Siena's face was plastered with worry. She flicked her whispy warm brown hair behind her shoulder.

"What was he doing here" she pointed in the direction Aaram came from. I couldn't find the words to speak, I bit the inside of my lip to look up at my friend.

From the look of deep sadness in my eyes she came rushing to my side and offered her arms for a hug. I took her warm embrace and sat arm in arm in silence.

"It's okay" she gunned into my hair before pulling me back to talk.

"Boys suck" I groaned causing her to double over with laughter, I let a calm smile appear. The freckles splattered on her face de-creased when her grin relaxed.

"They do, don't they?" She mused in a truthful tone. I nodded for my answer. She pulled me back into a hug.

Siena was the only person I told about the kiss I had with Poe last week. She wanted nothing but details and true to her bubbly and nosey personality she wouldn't stop bugging me for it.

I told her some of it. Kept some details for myself to revisit if I found myself sitting bored in the hangar.

Siena was ecstatic, buzzing with excitement and in her words I had "finally" found someone. That was until I told her he walked out.

Instead she was pissed off at him. Another reason why I loved her, she was overprotective. Always looking out for me, as a good friend should.

When we pulled out of the hug a playful smile slid on her lips.

"Let's go see how Rey's doing"

Rey. The raging gash on her thigh was healing up nicely and she was just starting to walk. I had visited her a few times but she was always asleep.


"Hey stranger" Rey mumbled before shuffling up the bed to sit up. I let a huge grin take over my face and I hopped over to embrace her.

"Careful" she winced as I hugged her a bit tighter than I should've. I pulled back and she smiled.

"So you go back to training soon?" Siena initiated the conversation. Rey sat up straight at the mention of training, she edged with excitement.

"Yep! Doctor says a day or so then I'm right as rain" she beamed at the news. Rey broke eye contact with Siena to look to me.

"Skye... the way you handled the lightsaber was like second nature. It was amazing"

I blushed deeply at her praise but brushed it off when she spoke again.

"How about you train with me?"

The offer for one, was incredible. But my heart and mind rushed into a blur.

"I couldn't- i can't. I'm sorry" I remembered how I didn't want any part of this.

The three of us stood uncomfortably in a circle. Siena tapped her foot which caused me to jump slightly. Rey fiddled with a wire she was attached to before sighing heavily.

"If you change your mind-" she dragged out the last words aching for a positive answer. I smiled gently.

"You'll be the first to know"


struggled writing this one as you can see :/

i wrote this on my phone ignore bad grammar and spelling !


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