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Leave the pilot course. Disappear and never re surface.

It signed off with.

My patience is limited. Unlike my authority.

I only realised my hand was shaking hard, blurring the words in front of me, after I read it.


"Rana I have to show General Organa" I argued. It had been a couple of hours since I read the note. I skipped dinner in the canteen, I didn't want to be seen with swollen eyes and red cheeks.

"You saw what it said girlie!" she snatched the not from my ever still trembling fingers. "Look" she pointed firmly "if you report this to anyone, I will know, I will take whatever is closest to your heart".

The fateful words rolled of her tongue like cursed poetry.

"'Close to your heart' see? That could be me! Or Seth even!" She pleaded silently with her eyes. I couldn't be without her. But I couldn't put hundreds of us at risk...

"I have to Rana I- I'm sorry" I placed a hand of comfort on her shoulder and she placed her ice grip on top of mine.

We sat in solemn silence as we both processed what had happened.

"Are you gonna go tell her now?" Rana asked timidly. I nodded faintly and reached for my coat.

The slightly wool interior of the jacket encased me in a wonderland of warmth. This was the opposite to how I was feeling.

I felt betrayed, hurt.

I grabbed the note from Kotrana's unwilling grasp, causing the paper to slightly rip. I glared at her childish behaviour.

I swiftly pulled the door open, I took a quick glance at Rana who sat dead still on her bed staring at the floor.

Walking down the base corridors was a part of my routine, but after today they felt alien and foreign. Someone in here had planted a threat note to me and my loved ones. I couldn't trust anyone.

I hung my head low as I trudged through to busy aisles of people muttering and laughing with eachother.

Reaching the control room I paused. Behind this door was the General Organa. Her wisdom was loved throughout the galaxy, her warmth and honesty inspired hundreds to fight her cause.

I placed 3 solid knocks on the double dark oak wood doors. I giggled, they kinda look like chocolate bars .

"May I be of assistance?" An unfamiliar face asked politely.

They had crystal blue skin and white glowing hair was straight down its chest. It looked at me curiously with passionate gray eyes.

"Oh, yes I need to speak with The General. It's urgent." I smiled trying to remain serious and mature.

"Of course-" She peeked at the badge on my jacket and gestured for me to enter.

"You're a pilot" it wasn't a question it was a statement. She beamed.

"Hm? Yes I am" I smiled back with the same energy.

We made small talk for a moment before a new pair of double doors was revealed ahead of me.

"This is your stop" The girl giggled. "See ya!".

"Bye" I smiled watching her bound away. I lightly pushed the door open and heard two voices talk quietly.

"She's unpredictable, General. I can't trust her knowing she could slip under our radar-"

"Commander Dameron, I'm sure whatever the issue is we can solve it humanly. She's just confused at where her place is at the moment" General Organas voice is what I expected it to be, soft, slightly raspy and projecting slight confidence and gentleness.

"I can't have a pupil who flies mid air and has panic attacks at the wheel of an X-Wing. It's too dangerous." Poe argued with a slight aggressiveness. He was leaning forward, both arms supporting him on the table.

The General didn't reply but slowly turned to the door I was standing at. My heart dropped. Fuck i hope she didn't see me listening.

"Come in" she welcomed me gently, no trace of anger in her words. She gestured towards a chair on the side of the table Poe was leaning on.

"Thank you" I grinned, placing myself on the chair. Poe didn't bother to look and address me.

"Why are you here?" Poe asked you as he stares out into the distance. The general raised her hand gently signalling for his to lose the attitude.

I turned to the General to speak.

"I received a threatening note from someone in the base" I pulled the note out of my pocket and passed it to The General.

She read it quietly, I could see her mouth read each word softly.

She put the note in Poe's hand and tightened his hand around it, she turned to me and looked me in the eyes.

"Who do you think wrote it?" She asked lightly, I broke the eye contact. What I would say next would be frowned upon.

"Commander Vella Nost did it. I'm certain." I challenged The Generals shift in emotion as her eyes widened.

"My dear, The Commander is one of our most trusted leaders I am sure she would not be capable of-"

I cut her off

"She did it. She's been treating me weirdly all week. Taking any opportunity to target me physically and verbally"

My hand subconsciously moved to my lightly bruised jaw from where she punched me.

"General, please believe me" I looked to my left "Commander you saw how she treated me in training-"

"I'm well aware of what Vella is capable of Skye, I hate to say it but she could be right General" Poe supported my point, I internally smiled.

"I will take Vella in for questioning upon your accusations" The Generals authority just astounded me.

"Thank you-" I managed to choke out as I headed to leave the room, thankful for the verdict.

I hadn't notice Poe had followed me until I heard the extra footsteps behind me. Unless I had 4 feet it couldn't have been anything else.

"Are you alright?" he asked, for the first time he wasn't making a snarky comment.

"Yep- yeah I'm fine" I answered faintly in his direction. He huffed quietly as he sat next to me. In the corner of my eye I felt him looking in my direction.

"Thank you-" I turned to him "- for backing me up"

"My pleasure" he replied very quietly and looked down at his hands and fiddled with them.

The silence seem to drag off for hours and for the first time ever it wasn't uncomfortable. Poe had (for once) not been an absolute ass to me for more that 5 minutes. Amazing.

"You have a training session with Rana and I tomorrow, i figured after what just happens you don't wanna see everyone-" he stated gently.

"Thank you again" i mustered.

His smile crept on his face slowly exposing his white teeth.

"My pleasure, again" he chucked to himself.

Our joint silence continued for what seemed like hours, I enjoyed the silent company, not being alone was a blessing.

The silent company felt like my only trust.


woah that's a shit load of dialogue:0

sorry if this was kinda boring :/ it's gonna crank up soon believe you me (:

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s/o to whos recent story is worth a read!! <3

ciao niños

assured liar ☼ poe dameronWhere stories live. Discover now