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"I love you too Rey!" She giggled at the bundled up toddler.



There is nothing tragically beautiful about the book of life.

No chapters to re-read. Nothing to imagine or look forward to. The disgusting inevitability of fate ran the world I knew. No sequels.

And no second chances.

Being born into what you thought was real life can deceive you and wouldn't even know it.

Pain erupted and ripped through my core and tears that made me feel weak followed shortly after.

I opened my mouth, but not a sound came out.

The back of my head started to quiver violently, shaking away my senses bit by bit. I clawed against the floor with my clammed up hands and tried to stand.

The endless floodgates punched through my muscles, weakening me to fall back to the ground.

My dark lashes brimmed with heavy tears, tugging my eyes down; my hands clenched in the desperate fight for a gasp of air.

Through foggy vision I held my head up to look at the monster.

He looked down at my limp body and I could feel him sneering behind the mask. In a swift flick of his cape he turned on his heels and started to walk away.

"You knew" my voice was fragile, as if it was going to break any second. There was a clear undercut with a choking heaviness that forced me to trip over the words.

I can feel sweat drench my skin in a layer of uncomfortable water.

"You knew," -the cracked weak tone had switched to a sharper, forceful volume- "And you didn't tell me" I shouted out, roaring away from my lips, begging him to come back.

But he didn't.

"Do what you must" he mused to the silver trooper on his right who proceeded to nod towards the sea of armoured troopers behind them.

The programmed warriors rose their blasters towards the resistance behind me.

I shot my head around, everyone in the hangar held their blasters up ready to attack, waiting for someone to make the first move.

Blaster shots hummed in the air.

Defencelessly I put my hand over my face, stupidly thinking it would stop the spray of bullets from hitting me.

But they never came.

Collective silence lay like a heavy sheet of snow in the hangar. My bottom lip trembled like a child's and I opened my eyes.

Hundreds of blaster shots lay dead still in the air.

Fear tortured my guts, churning my stomach in tense cramps. My fingers curled into a fist, nails digging into my damp palms.

My heart thumped in an unsteady beat. Boiling heat pursed and rushed through my veins. I looked up at the motionless shots. Kylo Ren stopped as he was halfway up the hangar and turned around when he didn't hear the cries of violence that he loved to listen to.

His head darted around the room and met my red stained eyes. He looked back and forth from my hand to the resistance and draw his lightsaber, filling the once silent air with an uneasy hum.

The scarlet saber crackled and hissed as he took storming strides forward.

Out of fear I took my trembling hand down from the sky, ready to run.

assured liar ☼ poe dameronWhere stories live. Discover now