Traveling Day 1

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Waking up in the morning, seeing Alex gone. The bed somewhat made on his side. I sit up, stretching, and getting out of the bed. Hearing a soft knock on the door, and I cautiously open it a crack. Seeing Emma, and I smile, opening the door. Immediately, she pulls me into a hug. "I'm going to miss you..." She whispered in my ear.

I smiled at her, "I will miss you too." I said, as we pull out of the hug.

"I came to give you another outfit, and you may like this one the best." Emma said, coming in as I shut the door.

Watching as she opens the bag, gasping to see a hunting dress. A nice one, nicer than what I had. "Alex, had your dress remade. He said hopefully you would like it or he would never hear the end of it." Emma explained to me.

    The dress was black, floor length and cuts ran up the sides. So I would be able to run faster and hide daggers on straps on my thighs. Strapless, but had leather wraps to cover my forearms. A black cloak, with heavy fur on the inside in case I got cold. Boots that hit my mid calf. Changing into my new dress, smiling the whole time, because it was perfect for me.

Clipping the cloak around my neck, and grabbing the new daggers Emma had given me. I still had my bow though, but new arrows. Strapping everything on, and I was ready.

Giving Emma one last hug, before she escorted me down the back halls to the stables. Seeing Alex there with two horses, curious as to why we were traveling by horse instead of wolf.

    "Good morning." Alex said, as I walked up to him.

Seeing that bags were strapped to the saddles. "I am curious as to why we are traveling by horse." I asked, petting the black mare that was for me.

"I have food, and extra weapons. And some medical supplies in case we run into the creepy dude again..." Alex said, making sure the straps of his saddle were okay.

Alex's horse was a white stallion, and the horse was taller than mine. Wondering what breed it was, curious to how he was so big.

"We better get going before my father wakes, and sends his guards to come for us." Alex said, cupping his hands together so I could climb up on the horse. I gave him my foot, swinging the other leg over the saddle. Getting comfy and grabbing the reins.

Waiting for Alex as he gets ready, and he nods to me. I nod my head back, as we gallop out of the castle. Waving to Emma as I leave this horrible place for good.

It's been a couple of hours, not stopping, riding for my kingdom. Leading Alex down curving roads, we slowed down around the afternoon. The sun just beginning to settle for the night, knowing we should probably set up camp now before the sun goes down. I begin to slow down, riding beside Alex at a walk.

"We are going to set up camp now, before night comes. And were stuck in the dark." I said.

"Do you know a place we can stop to rest at?" Alex asked, as we stop to a halt.

"I may, but I don't know if it's overgrown or not. I use to come to this place. I'm thinking about when I was a kid. Hiding away from my life for a couple of days." I said, kicking my horse gently.

Heading to one of the hiding areas I had when I was a kid. It's a little cave, which use to be a mining cavern. But I sort of made it into my hide out, putting old mattresses in there. A bookshelf and couple of small things that were from my childhood.

Riding down the trail for a mile or two, and I jumped off the mare. Looking for the tree, a large oak. I had carved a four leaf clover into it, and I slowly look at the trees around me.

Hearing Alex jump off his horse, "What are you looking for?" He asks.

"I am looking for a four leaf clover on a tree trunk." I said, looking at another tree.

"Like this one." He said, pointing to a tree a couple feet away. Quickly I am by his side, looking at the small four leaf clover.

I smile, "That's it!" I said. Grabbing the reins of my mare, and I walk her through a hidden path. Looking back to make sure that Alex was following.

Walking down the path for a couple of minutes, and I finally see the hidden cave. A stream had somehow grown over time. Flowing across the entrance, but it was very small. That I could simply jump over it, but it would provide water for us and the horses.

"Here we are." I said.

Beginning to unstrap everything off the mare, and pulling the bridle and saddle into the cave. Then going back for the saddlebags, and laying them against one of the sides of the cave walls.

"If you want you can take the other side of the cave, it should have a mattress over there." I said, pointing to the other side.

"Okay, thanks." He said.

Setting his things down, while I walked out. Looking for the pile of wood that I had somewhat stocked when I was kid. Smiling at how smart I was when I was kid.

Grabbing a couple of pieces, and some dry bark for the starting of the fire. Carrying the pile and bark into the cave. Piling it up, and looking for something to light it with.

When suddenly I hear spark, and the glow of orange against the cave wall. Turning around I see Alex with his sword and piece of stone. I smile, watching him get it going.

"How did you learn to do this?" I asked.

"My captain, he was like a second father to me. At one point of my childhood I really thought he was my father. But I quickly learned he wasn't. He taught me everything about the forest, and how to survive it." Alex explained, wiping his hands against his pants. Sitting down, and I sat down across the fire.

"What about you?" He asked, staring at me.

"Oh, my mother actually taught me when I was young." I said.

We talked for hours, eating dinner. Which was bread and some dry meat that Alex had packed for us. Slowly, we laid down still talking to each other.

Until we both fell asleep, listening to the sound of the fire with creatures outside making little noises.

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