The King Has Arrived

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I try to run to Elanor's side, when a blue void filled my vision. And we were suddenly in a courtyard of a big stoned castle. I shifted, going up to Ethan.

Pushing him, "Why?" I ask.

Anger filling my vision as I grab his shirt, lifting him up. "She made me do it. She told me too! She said, that she wanted you all to reach the castle. And that you had to get to the Lords." He gasped out as I sat him back down.

Letting him go, and him walk away when I saw six men walk out of the castles, wearing black long coats. Each one of them had different color undershirts. Also, they all had a unique scent to them. The leader of them walked over to us.

"Hello, my fellow werewolves. Welcome to Wolf Ridge. I'm guessing you are Prince Alex." He said.

He looked old, short white hair in a sort of army cut. Wise brown eyes sat deep in his face, a somewhat of a grin sat on his face also.

"My name is Edward Wolf. The leader of the Lords. If we may begin, we are to go inside."

I didn't move, standing there clenching my fists. "No, I am not going anywhere! We left her... Elanor, my mate, back there. She c-could b-be d-d-dead, fighting those demons..." I said, breaking down. Falling to my knees, and Edward slowly laid a hand on my shoulder.


I looked up, "Elanor..."

Suddenly, I smelt her, and a howl came from the gate behind us. A man held Elanor in his arms, carrying her. I ran to him, taking her in my arms instead, placing my head against her's. Smelling her scent, taking it in. Her whole body was covered in blood, tears ran down my face.

"Elanor.. Please don't go. We-we are going to get you help." I whispered.

"Here, the clinic is this way." Edward said, quickly entering the castle. I followed him into the castle, "The clinic is down this way, through these doors." He said.

Tessa, Adam, and Ethan followed a little behind us, quietly.

I lay her down on one of the medical beds, stepping back as nurses and doctors came forward. Looking at her, "She will be okay... Alex, go with Lord Edward, you have so much to learn. I will stay with Elanor." Tessa said, placing a hand on my arm, walking me out of the room.

Edward was outside, "Come, we have to meet the others." He then lead me down a couple of halls, and through another door.

The other Lords sat around a rectangle table, chairs placed all around it. Two spots were empty, for Edward and I. We sat down, and the meeting began.

"Welcome, Prince Alex, the King of Lords and Wolves. You are here to help with the cause, to join us, to be among us. You will have to go through months of training. You will have to create a pack, choosing people to join you, who will protect you twenty-four seven. If you have already found your mate, or still searching, you of course will have her by your side. In this agreement, you will train with each one of us about the different tasks to become a true King." He said, pausing for a minute but then continuing on with the conversation.

"You will also have a cabin on the property for your pack and mate. And your first mentor will be Edward, and he will escort you to your private cabin. I think Adam and Tessa are already there, getting comfy for the night. And we are having a ball in a couple of days, welcoming you into this new position. Your friends may attend if they stay, and I think that is all. Unless you have some questions?" He said, and I looked up.

"I have one question, you never told me you name?" He looked at me, a little shocked.

His black and green eyes unique to werewolves, "My name is Thomas..." He said.

I then stood up with Edward. Walking out of the room as Edward escorted through the hallways. "Alex, do you want to check up on your mate or go back to the cabin?" He asked.

I looked out the window which was open, breathing in the fresh air for a moment. "I better go and check up on Elanor. I will take her back to the cabin, where she will get some rest." I said.

"Alright, just follow me." Walking down the somewhat dark hallways, and making it to the medical wing. Opening the door to Elanor's room. She was laying in her bed, hidden behind a privacy curtain.

I slowly move it out of my way and see that she is sleeping. I walked over, laying a hand on hers, and seeing bandages wrapped around her arm and right leg.

Her midnight blue eyes started to flutter open and I smile down at her. "Hi..." She whispered, licking her lips. I leaned down, kissing her gently on the forehead and then checks, last her lips.

"Hi, we are going to move you somewhere more comfortable. A cabin on the property, so you can rest there instead." Elanor nodded her head, spreading her arms open with a smile. I laughed, and scoop her up in my arms, cuddling her against my chest.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, leaning her head against my shoulder. I then followed Edward back to the cabin, the sun slowly setting.

Walking down the halls and having Elanor fall asleep in my arms. We walk outside, and I can see cabins spread apart from each other. Hearing other werewolves inside their homes getting ready for dinner. The trees around us shuffling together, leaving falling to the ground. A light snow beginning to fall down on us.

Making Edward and I walk quickly to the cabin, seeing a huge one story cabin. Edward walking to the door, and opened it for me. I could hear people talking in one of the other rooms.

I walk down the hall, away from the voices and into one of the empty master bedrooms. Seeing the room was dark, and I turn on one of the lamps by the bed. I then lay Elanor down, covering her up in the blankets.

Kissing her lightly on the forehead again, letting her sleep. I then walk out of the room, shutting the door gently behind me. Edward was standing at the end of the hall, talking to Adam and Tessa. The voice who I had heard early before walking in.

"Hello, Alex. How is she?" Tessa asked, giving me a small hug.

"She is resting, getting better. They said she will be back in normal shape in a couple of days." I explained to her. Edward then butted into our conversation.

"Adam, Tessa... I have a question for you two. I think you both are very brave, great wolves. I ask you, would you like to train with Alex and Elanor in the next couple of days. If you would like too, you don't have too." Adam and Tessa stood there shocked, looking at each other, silent.

"I think we would like to think about this first." Adam answered for the both of them.

Edward nodded his head, "I then will leave you all, goodnight..." Edward then left, shutting the door.

Leaving Adam, Tessa and I in the hall. I looked over at them, curious as to what they are thinking. "Alex, would you us train with you?" I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "It is up to you two. If you want to stay you can. Edward also, said I needed to pick other like us to be in a pack with me." I was about to continue when Tessa interrupted, and took my hand in hers.

"Alex, we are with you. You are my sister's mate and that means she and all of us are connected, meaning we are your pack." She said.

Adam nodded agreeing with what she had just told me. "Well, we better get some sleep. Before the hard training comes and knocks us out." I said, saying goodnight to them.

I watch them walk into the room right across from where Elanor was sleeping in. I walk into the bedroom, Elanor was still sleeping. Deciding I should change into clean clothes and I go into the closet. Which was fully stocked with clothes for the both of us. Changing and I then walk out, climbing in on my side. Snuggling up next to Elanor, hearing her sigh as I wrap an arm around her waist.

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