Special Chapter 27 - Teenage girlfriends

Start from the beginning

"No I won't. Cause I'm not" Jade said

"Yeah... You are!" Tori continued

"Stop. I'm not!" Jade repeated sounding a bit annoyed

"But you areeee!" Tori told her again with a childish mocking voice

"Vega!" Jade yelled at her to make her stop.

Tori laughed and looked at the camera "See? For those that wanted to know if sometimes we still bicker with each other like the old times, yep it happens... But what we mostly do right now is this:" she said kissing Jade again. After they pulled apart Jade smirked and said

"This video will turn R rated if we actually had to show what we really do the most, now" Jade said winking at the camera.

"Jade! By the way you didn't answer the question, how do you identify yourself?" Tori asked her

"I did answer that! I'm a girl who likes to get straight to bed with another girl. With you to be exact!" Jade said

Tori rolled her eyes and bumped shoulders with her girlfriend "Be serious please!"

"But I'm serious and you know it!" Jade exclaimed. Tori bumped shoulders with her again so Jade said "Ok I'm the wife. She is the husband" she told to the camera making Tori laugh "No really, babe, remember when we played Nancy and Walter for that Sikowitz's play?"

"Yep. I looked pretty good as a man right? I indeed liked wearing those mustaches!" Tori asked her grabbing a strand of her hair and placing it above her mouth to make it look like moustaches.

Jade laughed "Yeah. But I prefer you way more as a girl. My sexy girl" Jade said, pulling a smiling Tori in her lap before continuing, looking back to the camera "Anyway I don't have to explain to any of you losers my sexuality. I guess I'm bi, but I swing a bit more for women as I am in love with the most beautiful woman in this world. Who is mine and mine only!" Jade said before starting to kiss Tori's neck repeatedly

"Aww love you babe!" Tori said giggling while caressing Jade's cheek with one hand as she was still kissing her neck "Anyway, that's it for today, bye guys! Hope you enjoyed the video! See you next time!" she said waving before turning off the camera.


"Yay! Movie night and sleepover! It's been so long since we spent some time together!" Cat was saying hugging both Tori and Jade by the neck on the Vega's couch. All three of them where in their pajamas ready to watch a movie and the little girl was sitting in the middle of them. They had agreed to watch 'Along came Polly' a comedy movie with Jennifer Aniston and Ben Stiller, to please all the three girls tastes as Jade would've never go for another one of Cat's animated movies or one of her girlfriend's romance films and Tori and Cat had enough of Jade's usual horror and action movies so they opted for a comedy. Even though for Jade even that movie was a little too cliché and romantic for her tastes.

"Yeah it's been awhile indeed since we last hang out... Just the three of us I mean" Tori said giggling seeing how happy Cat looked. Jade looked annoyed as she broke free from Cat's embrace after just a couple of seconds but after a bit she also started smiling at the little redhead.

"Yeah missed having sleepovers with you Tori! Remember the funny nugget show?" Cat asked her giggling

Tori laughed "Oh my gosh, those vids for the Slap we made were so random and hilarious! We have to make a new one with Jade too, later!"

"Yaay! Let's do it!" Cat exclaimed

"What do you say baby?" Tori asked to her girlfriend

Jade rolled her eyes "No" 

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