"Yes, I rap. Just something I do for fun. Singing is just part of me." Ara admitted.

"Common!" Prince Damola snapped his fingers. "You should know this Justin Bieber's song...intentions... You could be my music teacher and I could pay you you know."

"Well," Ara smiled. "Since money is involved. All you need is to..." She quickly brought her voice down and whispered. "Ask him for permission."

Even though Prince Ire couldn't make it to listen to what Ara whispered. He instantly got to his feet. Ara saw him, wondering what he was trying to do. Prince Ire moved swiftly to where his brother was, gave him a look only Prince Damola understood. Music career pursuer, it's high time you left my house. Then he scooped him up when he realized he wasn't planning to go. Ara was wowed by his strength, unable to wipe away her smile as she admired him more.

"Ara we will talk later!" Prince Damola shouted on his brother's shoulder, laughing. "He doesn't want me to talk to you. I know him, he's my brother and he's just. . ." His voice faded out as Ara couldn't see him or hear his voice again.

In two minutes, Prince Ire was back. He met Ara on the way descending down the stairs. He stopped and she did too listening to him. "Is there something you wanna tell me?"

Ara stared back at his face. No smile, no emotions, just dead serious. How was he able to do it? Ara couldn't believe this was the same man she had conversation with just yesterday. Or the same man that was laughing earlier. She swallowed her saliva. "I came just to say thank you for yesterday. I feel a lot better now and I really appreciate your concern. "

"Don't mention." He waved his hand at her. And that was the only statement he said, climbing the stairs in a rush. Ara heaved a sigh and scolded herself for hoping they could have another amazing conversation just like yesterday. She erased the thoughts, refusing not to be angry. Instead, she went back to her room to prepare for the family dinner they were to attend. Being together with those people made her brain hot. She wasn't used to it yet.


Standing behind the whole mumusi family were the workers assigned to serve them. They were entering one after the other waiting for each other. Both Prince Ire and Prince Damola were seated already. The moment Queen Adetutu entered and saw Prince Ire, she immediately lost her appetite. She glared at him with her mind filled up with thoughts on how Prince Ire could just suddenly become wanted and never be seen again. His presence was choking her, and if she was not careful, he could choke her out of her husband's house. She hated his guts. She was a mother, and wouldn't want that for her children, but Prince Ire was nothing like her children. Besides, she hated both mother and son. 

Prince Damola whispered next to Prince Ire. "Your mother is seated. Shouldn't you say hi to make her cast her evil smile at you." Prince Damola laughed quietly. "She wants you dead man. Those eyes could be fixed bomb. Be nice please. We don't want bomb blast at the table today. My best food is here. Let me enjoy in peace and not in pieces."

Prince Ire cast a quick glance at his brother. "That's my Mom." He raised his brow, directing his eyes to the door for Prince Damola to look at their Mom who walked in with Prince Goriola next to her.

"Oh my God! Ara what's wrong with your hand?" Prince Goriola was shocked by what he saw. The moment those words slipped out of Prince Goriola's mouth, Ara became the centre of attention, getting the King to finally notice all the workers together. Exactly what Prince Ire wanted. For the King to see what his Queen was capable of because the day of discussion was very close. 

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