Did you know?

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* May contain spoilers on anime that are featured in this book. *

Just some random anime trivia!




Alors, did you know that...

1) Mafuyu's CV, Yano Shougo, was the one to perform, Marutsuke, Given's ending song.

2) A French Poké-tuber once nicknamed Gladion from Pokemon S/M/US/UM...Dark Sasuke because of the weird pose Gladion takes before battling the player.

3) Hiromu Arakawa, the author of FMAB and Arslan Senki was also the author of Silver Spoon; an anime which revolves around agriculture.

4) Violet Evergarden's name, given to her by Gilbert, comes from the name of a mythological flower goddess named Garnet Spear.

5) Given made history as the first-ever BL anime to air on NoitaminA, Fuji TV's anime programming block.

6) Hajime Isayama, Attack on Titans mangaka has left Hange Zoe's gender open to interpretation. He has even selected the song " True to Oneself" as character theme song for Hange; which is notable as this song's subject deals with defying conventional gender stereotypes.

7)  The fighting style of Motoyasu Kitamura from The Rising of the Shield Hero is that of fighting in the front lines while his party members cheer on him in the background, rarely assisting him with magic or whatsoever he could need in battle.

8) So, this is a funny one really; remember when Pokemon Sw & Sh were announced? Right...The funny thing is that at the start of 2019 or at the end of 2018, I came up with a Pokemon OC for the Pokemon Rangers Spinoff and his name is Alister and he wears a mask to hide his face since he is a villain but he was created before the announcement of Sword & Shield even though his profile was published in December 2019...Funny eh?

9) Even funnier, this must have surely been a coincidence. When I was planning my 2nd chapter for my Pokemon fanfic, there was a scene where I needed a telephone. So I thought, why not make a Rotom possess the telephone and we'll call it Rotom-telephone. And you know what, then we got to see Rotom-phone as our Pokédex in the 8th gen.

10) The writers of ID: Invaded revealed that Hondoumachi as Hijirido was originally intended to wear an Idol Singer outfit, but they decided to change that to her wearing her iconic detective outfit instead.


That's all I could found today. If you enjoyed this chapter do tell me and maybe I'll make another one.

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