Gastershadow's failed attempt at a chapter title

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I hope you enjoy this chapter! I gave up on a title as you can tell, but feel free to leave title suggestions in the comments.

B was sitting up in his bed, waiting for someone to break the awkward silence, when Kin hurled into his arms crying. B gasps and wraps his arms around Kin. He starts to cry as well as he slowly realizes what's going on. The others silently slip out of the room, Wing staying just outside in case he was needed. B winces at the pain from Kin hugging him so tight, but doesn't loosen his grip. They both cry and hold on to each other. Kin climbs up next to B on the bed. There's an awkward silence for a while, then B says: Kin? It's really you? How? Kin cries and starts to tell him about it. Half way through his story, B let's out a piercing scream that has Wing in the room in seconds and all the others rushing in seconds after. Kin had jumped off the bed and was panicking. Wing gently pushes him aside and starts talking to B in low tones, probably asking him about his pain. B cries: it hurtssss Dings. Wing gave him a shot to help with the pain and to make him sleep. He was out in a few minutes. Kin was standing next to Stars looking shocked. Swap led him gently downstairs to calm him down. Stars took a seat next to the bed to wait till B awoke. Wings left to the lab and Fell shuffled off to the couch for a nap or something. Maestro was downstairs with Swap enjoying some hot chocolate.

Smol time skippp

B woke up a few hours later with Kin sleeping curled into a ball next to him. He smiled and cuddled with him, resolving to tell him everything tommorow.

Hiii! So I know this is short and probably not what you expected, but I promise the next chapter will be longer and have more explanations between Kin and B. So look forward to that hopefully soon! Thanks to my best supporters @KakiTheCat and @TheDonkeyKing! You guys are amazing!!! Aight that's all see ya peeps! Also don't forget to tap the cute little star on the corner of the page lol

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