B is sick...

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Hey guys! So as you should know from the last chapter and my ask book, B is sick. This chapter is basically devoted to the gang taking care of poor little B.

My head hurts. I think maybe I should ask Wing to get me some medicine, but I don't want to get out of bed. If I wait long enough, Swap should come.

10 minutes later~

Ok so Swap still haven't come for me. I don't know why this is, he always does. Ugh my head hurts more now. And my throat hurts too. *Whimpers* I don't feel good...
Magic author powers make Swap show up at that moment
Hey B! What's taking so long? Oh! B! Your not even out of bed yet! C'mon B!
Swap, my throat and my head hurts. I think I'm sick.
Oh! Do you want me to get Wing?
Yes please...
Okie! Be right back!

Smol time skip~

Ok, open wide, and stick out your tongue.
ok B, I think you have a head cold. You should get plenty of rest, and if your sore throat gets worse you should try to not talk. For now, no hard foods.
Ok, thank you Dings.
Alright, I'll see you at breakfast.
See you...

Breakfast time! ;)

I sat on the sofa until Swap called us all for breakfast. Then Fell took my hand, and let me to the table. Everyone else had a full plate of bacon and eggs, but I had a bowl of jello. As we were eating,I didn't contribute much to the conversation, which was usual, but then I suddenly heard my name. They were talking about me! I shrank into my seat, and looked up. Wing was telling everyone about my cold. He warned everyone to be careful not to catch it. They agreed, and Swap told everyone that they all would take shifts being with me. After breakfast was Swaps turn, after lunch was Fell's turn, after dinner was Stars turn. Wing didn't get a turn. Once he was done with cleaning up breakfast, Swap joined me on our bed to watch anime. After, me and senpai went to make lunch. We all had soup. Then me and Fell sat on the sofa and watched politics. A few hours till dinner, I fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later in my bed. Swap was asleep next to me. I all of a sudden felt a pain in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Thankfully I made it there on time. I heard steps, and Swap came in. He gasped, and called for Wing. Then he held me patting me gently. Wing came in and gave me a pill. Then he told me that I had the flu. I was supposed other stay in bed and not overexert myself. I was also told to not get excited or stressed. Swap carried me to bed and tucked me in,then laid the trash can by me in case I had to throw up again. He set up a small TV and turned on my favorite musical. Fell came in, rubbed my head, said get better soon, and left. Stars came in to hand me some crackers and told me to suck and nibble them instead of chewing them. Then the day progressed as usual for everyone except me.

Ok I guess that's it for now! Hope you enjoy! 

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