Happy Valentine's day! :-)

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Valentine's day special! Hope you enjoy! Posting it earlier cause I will be busy this week

I wake up and I know immediately that its Valentine's day. I planned on making gifts for the gang, but now I wasn't sure I could with me being sick and all. I think I am going to ask Star to help me make them, but I have to find out when he's free. I will ask Wings to let me borrow him for a bit today. I have a vague idea what to do for each of them, but I'm not sure. For Wings, I was planning on decorating one of the blank mugs with some message of some sort. For Swap, I was planning on making cookies and I needed Star's help with that one. For Fell, I planned on knitting him a beautiful new scarf. And for Stars, the plan was to make him a universe themed dream catcher. All I had to do was actually do it. I decided to start on Fell's scarf. I used red and green yarn and it was super soft. Once I finished it, I moved on to Wings mug. It said: all hard workers deserve some valentines!❤
I thought it was cute. Then I went to see if Stars was free. I went into his room and he was asleep on the bed. I hated to wake him up, but I was running out of time. I shook him and told him I needed his help. He sighed and got up. What's up B?
I need your help! I'm trying to make cookies for Swap and I need you to help me make them! Pleaseeeeee? Fine, but you know it's going to be hard to keep him out of the kitchen. I know, I plan on asking Fell to distract him. Well you go do that, I'll be right down. Ok! Thanks Stars!
Hey Fell, can you distract Swap for about an hour? Huh? Why? That's hard B. I know, I just need you to keep him out of the kitchen for an hour. Can you do it? Pleaseeeeee? Sure, I'll do my best, but no promises! Thank you!!!! *Hugs Fell*  don't get all mushy on me. Later! Bye Fell! Later...

Smol time skip~

The cookies are done, Swap doesn't suspect a thing! Stars went back to sleep, time to make his dream catcher! When it was done, it was a masterpiece! I gathered the gifts, and went to distribute them. I went to the kitchen first and put some coffee in the mug and brought it to Wings. He was asleep on his papers. I set the mug by him and shook him a little. He shot up and looked at me. I'm awake! Oh, what's up B? Wing! It's Valentine's day! Here's your present! Oh, coffee? Look at the mug! Whoa, that's cool! Thanks B! Here, I made this for you! *Wing hands me a beautiful blanket that was hand made* wow it's really soft! I love it! Just so you know, it's green. Awesome! Thank you Wings! I'ma see ya later k? Ok. Next I went to Fell. He was on the couch as usual, watching horror. I went to him and handed him the scarf saying: Happy Valentine's day! He jumped and turned, looking ready to kill until he saw the scarf. Then he gasped, and hugged me saying: thank you B! This is awesome! Then he handed me a huge teddy bear he said he had Maestro bring over. Thank you Fell! I'm going to go see Swap! Ok B! Later! I went into the kitchen and found him in the middle of making lunch. I went over to him and presented him with the beautifully decorated bag of cookies. Here you go Swap! Happy Valentine's day! Wowie! Thank you B! Here,I got you this! Swap hands me a CD for my player. He said it was the musical Waitress. Maestro got it and said it was good so am giving it to you! Thank you Swap! I  said beaming. I was running out of music to listen to do this was welcome. Then I left to go find Stars. I found him asleep again so I just left his present on his nightstand with a note and left to go chill in my room and listen to my new CD. When Swap called us I went to the kitchen humming a tune from the musical. I went to my seat then saw everyone staring at me cause it was rare for me to him or sing especially around them. I just smiled at them and asked Stars if he liked his gift. He said yes and handed me another CD. He said it was the musical Phantom of the Opera. He told me that he had listened to it himself and it was quite good. Then he told me we had the movie too in case I wanted to listen to that too. I was really happy and smiled really wide and hugged him and thanked them all. Apparently they had all already exchanged gifts to each other (and I'm too lazy to tell you what they were so sorry ; )
After lunch we all watched Phantom of  Opera. Err, I just listened to it but whatever. Then we played Monopoly. Stars won, Swap was second, Fell was third, I was banker, and Wing fell asleep early in the game and was disqualified and sent to bed even though it was super early and we haven't even had dinner yet. Then me and Fell listened to the news, Stars went to sleep with Wing, and Swap started on dinner. We had miny heart shaped pizzas, Swap shared his chocolate, and we put some leftovers in the fridge for the workaholics. Then we all just kinda went to bed early. It was a good day.

Well, that was it! That's all ya get! Hope you enjoyed! Be sure to leave  me some valentine dares and questions on my ask book! Happy Valentine's day my doves! Love ya!

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