Thanksgiving special: I miss them

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This is for Thanksgiving for those who celebrate it, those who dont, this is just a bonus chapter. It was timed a while after the fall and before the SwapFell accident. It was a bit rushed, but I hope you like it! Enjoy my doves!

It had been a month after falling down, and we were all feeling a little blue and sad, missing our family and friends and our home.
Swap was cooking fish tacos, which he had said was his sons favorite. Fell was punching his sadness away on his punching bag. WingDings was just working harder then usual. Stars was helping, and just seemed distant. I was just outright sad and couldn't hide it. At dinner, Swap asked us all what we missed most about our sons. He said: I miss their laughter. Fell missed his sons unpleasantness. Stars missed their creativity. Dings missed everything about his sons. I dont think WingDings is brothers with Sans and Papyrus, I think he is their father. So sue me.
I miss Kins caring and gentle nature. Me and WingDings, being the youngest, were the only ones who started to cry, but we did and when that happened, I turned to Fell for comfort, because he had shown me a new gentle side, and Dings turned to Stars because they spent so much time together in the lab. Swap made us all hot chocolate with peppermint. Then we spent the rest of the day watching movies and talking about our past. Swap's fish tacos were delicious. And we watched, or in my case, listened to the greatest showman, which is one of my favorites, and Fell didn't ask to watch a horror movie. All in all, the day was ok. It was to be expected to miss them after all.
Hope my doves enjoyed that! I know I enjoyed writing it! I really need help on the next chapter though. When should I have them escape from the void? Soon or later? I need help either way! Please send help! Love my doves!

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