The end.

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"How have you been B? Are you settling in well? We will be coming for a visit around Christmas time."

"I've been quite well Dings! We have adjusted to our new home, and would love to receive you all! I really miss hanging out with you all and can't wait to see you all again."

"Same for you. Frequent visits isn't the same as living together. Well, I've got to get going, but I'll message you soon once we know when we are coming. Talk to you later, and stay safe."

"Talk to you later. You stay safe too. Make sure you eat, okay?"

"Sure thing. Bye Blindy!"

"Bye Dings."

Time skip to a week later~

" I'll see you tomorrow B. Stars is coming with his sons too."

"That's great! Yeah, I'll talk to you tomorrow. We will meet you at the portal."

"Bye B!"

"Bye Dings."

Time skip to the morning of next day~

"Bundle up, Kin, I don't want you getting sick when your uncle and cousins are here. It's really cold in Snowdin and we have to walk aways."

"Okay B. But you need to wear your scarf and gloves too. And don't forget to put your amulet on. You know that you can't stand for too long without getting dizzy without it."

"Yes mom. I'm getting it now." B laughs.

*they get ready and head to the portal. When they get there, they see a group of 15 people standing and talking by it.*
B breaks into a run and slams into a tall skeleton with a long lab coat and glasses who immediately looks down and smiles then lifts B up to hug him.

"Hey B! It's so nice to see you."

"Dings!! You brought everyone! I thought it was just Stars."

"Well Stars told the others and they didn't want to miss out on the reunion. SwapFell can only stay for a day or two though."
Dings puts B on the ground and he takes a look around the group. There is Stars with his Sans in his arms and Papyrus next to him. Fell with his family talking with SwapFell and his clan.
Swap is talking to his family and Dings, Sans, and Paps.
Kin takes his hand and they start to lead the others through the snow to the new house up on top of Mt. Ebbot.

Well, this is it folks. There is a chance I might come back to this later, but for now, this is the end. I hope you all enjoyed, thanks for coming by, and I love you all. Laters!


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