SwapFell's wrongs

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I got to his house and he took my hand and led me to a room where he asked me to sit down. He then took of my clothes (not a lemon) and gave me a full doctors checkup. Then he forced me to take some pills and everything went black. When I woke up I was on a table and he was doing expiraments on me! I felt a knife in my stomach (monster magic stomach, SwapFell can make people use their powers. Also sorry if he can't, I don't like him so I don't know much about him.) I screamed and he said: no one can hear you, scream as loud as you want! We are in a soundproof room! I felt tears running down my face as I felt him cut me again and again. I cried so hard my whole body shook, causing his hand to slip and cut me again. I wasn't able to stop crying  though. Then he left the room. Everything hurt and I couldn't move. But I still wouldn't stop crying and it made me hurt more. I then tried to get up. But I could not, because of the pain and the drugs in me. So I fell into a painful sleep. When I woke up, everything felt weird. I only knew I needed to get away! I tried to teleport, and it worked! But I didn't know where I was until I heard Swap yelling at Fell: WELL LOOK HARDER! HES BLIND, WE DONT KNOW WHERE HE IS, HE COULD BE HURT! GO LOOK AGAIN!  I heard Fell yelling back: WELL WHY DONT YOU TRY! I COULDN'T FIND HIM, AND I LOOKED EVERYWHERE! GET OFF MY BACK CHUCKLES! then I heard Star trying to calm everyone down: there there, its ok guys, we should all stay calm, I'm sure Hes fine! Then I heard Swap take a few shaky breathes and then says: I will start lunch, go get Wing Dings please.

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