Home is near.

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"Are you ready to go?"
" I don't want to leave them."
"You don't have to, yet."
"I know... but still. I've grown accustomed to this place. Will the people up there remember me? What if they don't like me? What am I to do?"
"If they don't remember you, all that means is you get to make new memories with them. And why wouldn't they like you?"
"I don't know..."
"Exactly. Let's just see what happens! Come on, they are waiting for us."
B and Kin stand up from the bed and pick up the last few things hanging around the room. They had already moved most of the stuff to Kin's house during the night while the other monsters were sleeping. Now it was time to go home and start a new section of their lives. B had had a tiny panic attack just then and Kin had reassured him that nobody was going to hate him. The pair went downstairs where the other Gasters were gathered waiting. The arrangements were that WingDings and Stars were to stay with Alphys for the time being, Fell and SwapFell were staying with Toriel, and Swap was staying with B and Kin. Maestro was still searching for their homes. Together they all walked to the void area where NewTale was. They looked at each other for what might be the last time. Dings eyes were bloodshot and tired, Stars had the beginnings of tears in his, Fell looked... well, he seemed upset. SwapFell was aVOIDing eye contact (see what I did there lol) Swap was straight out crying, and B had a few tears coming down his cheeks as well. They hugged and then Dings said " guys, no matter what, we shall meet again after this." Swap replied "how do you know?"
Dings said " I just do." Then they all teleported at once to their respective homes for the moment.


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