Leave me alone...

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Enjoy the chapter!

B was hanging around the house now, but he was never left alone. Someone was always with him. Usually it was Stars, who would just follow him and be with him. A few times a day  B would collapse on the floor or have a panic attack or something. Today was one of the worst days. He'd already had two. Now he was heading to the kitchen for lunch and Stars was tailing him as usual. He was almost to the chair when his knees gave out and he fell forward. He heard Swap yell and heard Stars reach for him, but his head still hit the floor hard. He moaned and immediately tried to get up,but felt dizzy and went down again. This time Stars caught him though. B reached out for a chair and sat down heavily. His head hit the table in front of him and he suddenly felt like his head had just exploded. He cried out and tears streamed down his face as he clutched his head. He vaguely could hear the others trying to help him and talk to him, but all he could focus on was the flashback he was having.

Flashback time!

I was strapped to a table, and the scalpel scraped away my bone. I could feel my soul shake. I could feel the pain spread through my whole body. I tried to fight but I could not move. He moved the scalpel to my right eye socket. The scalpel stopped for a second then plunged into my eye. I screamed in pure agony and he paused. As an after thought, he stabbed me with a pain killer. Then he continued without waiting for the painkillers to take affect. He scraped in and around my eye and then he moved to the other one. After I thought there couldn't possibly be anything worse, he started breaking bones. First all my fingers, then my legs, then my arms. It seemed he was done, till he all of a sudden pushed down on my chest, breaking most of my ribs. I screamed and all of a sudden I found myself standing in snow.

Now it's a kinda weird dream\vision time!

I walked through the snow, and noticed that I made no sound. I could see all of a sudden and was calmer because of it, as that meant this wasn't real life. Suddenly I saw Kin walking in front of me. He was holding a phone and typing away with a bright smile on his face. I called out to him but he didn't acknowledge me. I sped up and tried to grab him, but he went through me. That's when I realized he had no idea I was there and I probably wasn't actually there, this most be another dream. I followed him to our house, and then inside and was shocked when I saw myself. Sitting there on the sofa, was me! I was asleep on the couch covered with my green blanket. Kin moved up to other me and tucked me in, before heading to the kitchen. I followed him and there was Swap! He said hi and they had a brief conversation before Kin grabbed some food and left. He went down to the basement where my lab was\is. I saw Dings and Stars down there working on something. Last but not least, I saw Fell in the guest room snoring away as I followed Kin up to his room. He took off his cape and fell asleep on the bed. I felt warm and happy for the first time in awhile. I stayed there, watching him sleep for a long time before heading to my room to check it out. It looked about the same. There was some new stuff from my time in the void, but besides that nothing had changed. I ran down the stairs to check on myself, and found that I still had no eyeballs, though I seemed to have healed most of my other injuries. I was covered in scars though. I was about to go back up to Kin when all of a sudden I heard my name. I turned, and then I was on the floor in the kitchen in the house in the void. I started to sob since none of it was real! It was my imagination, and it would never happen. Fell hugged me and carried me up to my room. He placed me in my bed and laid down next to me with one arm around me. I fell asleep a few minutes later.

Yo! This was honestly the happiest chapter I've written in awhile! And little sneak peek of things to come! I plan on the Gang staying with B for awhile when they find his world so this is hopefully going to be coming up soonish! Love ya all, Gastershadow out! ❤

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