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Kin was at the palace, waiting to be called up. Today was the day he was appointed Royal Scientist! He had just graduated from college with a few PHDs, and he was going to make his father proud! Though many didn't remember the old Dr.Gaster, Kin remembered his dad, and the day he had disappeared, well. He was confident that his dad was out there, and was determined to find him. Being Royal Scientist would only help him look for Gaster. He was last seen entering the core, even though he knew it wasn't safe and he was blind. Kin was a little bitter that his dad hadn't seemed to considered the risks and left his son all alone. Kin had moved in with the Dremmurs, and had gone to school with Asriel. He had to face a lot of grief. He didn't think he could make it this far, but King Asriel wanted nothing more than to make him RS. Kin had taken to calling him Azzy, and Asriel called him Kane since he didn't think Kin was a suitable name. They got along well having been raised together. They didn't fight very often, and it was never serious. They were both too kind hearted and soft to be mad at each other.  Azzy couldn't replace Paps, but he was a good brother. All these thoughts were in his head as King Asriel called him to the platform. He went up and was asked to make a speech. Hello everyone. Most of you know me. I'm Kin. I have been chosen by King Asriel to be his Royal Scientist. I am here to help you with any problems you have , and I will do my best to free us from this prison. Thank you all. He hated public speaking so he kept it as brief as he could. After the ceremony he went to the edge of the Core and shouted: can you hear me Dad? I'm making you proud! I am the new Royal Scientist and I'm going to bring you back! Then he turned and headed to his new lab.
While B didn't hear his shouts, Maestro did. He had just exited the rift when Kin had started shouting. He heard every word and he immediately teleported to the edge where Kin was a second ago. he raced after him and ran into him as he rounded the corner. Kin had stopped, tears streaming down his cheeks. Maestro backed up and said: hey, art thou  the one shouting just now? Kin looked up at him and sniffed, replying: yes... Did you hear me? I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. That's cause I  was in the void Maestro replied. What? How? Do you know my dad? Have you seen him? Is he ok? Whoa whoa, slow down. Who art thou and what be your father's name? Well I'm Kin and my dad is Doctor WD Gaster. Thou art Kin? Oh dear. Willest thou come with me? Are you taking me to my  dad? Then yes! Alright, let's go! Hold up, if I jump down there, will I be able to come back? Yes, we have discovered how to leave the void. We just didn't know where the world's were. Since we now know where this one is, we can return B safely. Let me tell you about him as we walk. Alright. Well you see, Maestro proceeds to tell Kin everything important that has happened to B. He also tells him about the other Gasters and that B is currently Injured and not in the best condition to travel just yet. Time skip to Gaster Gang house!

Alright, we are here. Just stay calm, and let me do the talking. Ok, thank you Maestro. It's been a pleasure Kin. B has told me a lot about you. He really misses you. Maestro knocks on the door and Swap answers. Hi Maestro! Who's this? Swap, come here for a second. He whispered in his ear and Swap's eyes widen, then become stars. Fell comes into view and Swap whispers in his ear. They escort Kin upstairs to B and Swap's room. Swap and Maestro go in while gesturing for Kin to wait, and Fell goes to get Stars and Dings.
In room
B was lying on the bed about to fall asleep when Swap and Maestro came in. There was something different, wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Swap seemed super excited, more than usual, and even Maestro seemed eager. They told him they had a surprise, and then Fell, Stars and Dings came in, followed by! Kin?!!!!!!!!!!!

Things are definitely heating up! I'm planning on doing another live attempt on zoom and another thing called Picarto.TV. I've never done it before, but it was recommended to me by Kaki The Cat so thanks for that! I'll update soon hopefully! Stay awesome doves!

Edit: I just realized B still doesn't know that Kin is there cause he's blind so he didn't see him come in. My bad! I have to address that in the current draft chapter that I was about to publish. So you guys might have to wait a little longer! Keep on holding this cliffhanger!

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