Christmas Special! 🎅🎄🎁❄⛄

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Merry Christmas my Doves! Love you all! Don't worry, you will get a New Years special too! But! Only if I get some suggestions! Just kidding! But that would make it better so please do! Onward we go!

I was sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden Swap jumped onto the bed and shook me awake. He screamed: Bbbbbbbb! Wake up! Its a very special day! Guess what day it is!!!!!!!!!!! Aughhhhh Swap! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee? Fine! But then I am going back to bed! Once you know what day it is, you won't want to! Try me. Just guess! Is it my birthday? No! Yours? Nope! Okkk, I think I got it. Is it Halloween? Nuuuuu! Now you just teasing! OK, its Christmas. Yesssss! Come on B! Alright, I'm coming. Yayyyyyy! I knew you wouldn't want to go back to bed! Yeah, you got me. Christmas is my favorite holiday.  I am gonna go make some cookies, can you wake the others? Aww you got me up first? I'm touched! Yes, I'll do that. I walked to Dings and Stars room. Star was still asleep, but Wing Dings was gone. I got on Star's bed and rolled into him then poked his nose area. He stirred and hugged me then got up. Hello B! To what do I owe this pleasure? It's Christmas! I said as I got up. Swap told me to get you all up. Ahh alright. Thank you B! No problem! I then went to the lab and found Dings in his chair doing work. I sat on his lap and poked his head till he acknowledged me. What is it B? It's Christmas, and you MUST take the day off. Ugh must I? Yes you must! Because if you don't, then I will get Fell to make you. Alright I'm coming. Yay! Thank you Dings! Whatever. I then left to wake Fell. I went to the couch and sat on his legs. He woke with a start and yelled: SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN!!!!!! he had been watching Christmas movies late last night. I cracked up and started laughing so hard! Dings came down and yelled: YOU BETTER WATCH OUT, YOU BETTER NOT CRY YOU BETTER NOT SHOUT I'M  TELLING YOU WHY SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN!!! Swap then came into the room and said: let's listen to Christmas music! Then Stars came down and put some on. I started to dance with him. Fell went to go get dressed, Swap went into the kitchen to finish breakfast, and Dings went to go get coffee. After breakfast, we went to distribute gifts. Swap went first, and he gave Dings a new mug that had a picture of all of us on it, Fell a pair of wireless Bluetooth headphones so he could watch his horror movies without bothering us, Stars a scarf that was purple, the same color of his cape. I got some eye patches that he said would look cool on me. Then Dings went. He gave Swap a new camera cause he broke the last one, Fell got his own TV so he could watch horror while I listened to my musicals, Stars got a dream catcher, and I was given a CD player so I could listen to my musicals in my room and wherever. Fell gave Swap some frying pans that made the food change color when he used them, Dings got a human science book and two human history books, Stars got a big poster of space, and I was given a big stack of CDs. He and Dings worked together, and they were all of my favorite musicals. Then Stars gave Swap a new series of Anime he hadn't watched yet, Dings his own coffee machine so he could make coffee in the lab, Fell a set of punching gloves and a punching bag, and me CDs of musicals that I had yet to see. Then it was my turn.  I gave Swap a set of hat and gloves, Dings a new supply of lab coats, Fell a new red scarf, and Stars a purple bathrobe. Then we put the gifts away, cleaned up, had some cookies, and then we put some in a tin and we all went into the void. We put a bag of cookies for SwapFell to find near his lab, and a bag by Maestro's rift. After all, Christmas is the time for giving and forgiveness.

Aww that was so nice! Though they will never really forgive SwapFell, they still left him cookies! I wish someone would make me cookies! I will probably spend Christmas alone. Well, maybe I will go on Undertale Amino and chat with other fans. That would be fun. Love my doves!                   

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