Is it love? (New Years special)

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Thanks to @Thedonkeyking for the help!

Swap was in the kitchen making a feast for our party planned for that night. Maestro was planning on visiting, but only for awhile, he needed to spend some time with his family. I was sitting at the table testing sauce for him. Then Fell burst in and said: hey Chuckles! Just because you are making a feast doesn't mean we dont at least need breakfast! Your late! I am hungry, and I'm not the only one! Get going! Swap jumped and said: oh I'm sorry everyone! I lost track of time! I will begin right away. Its ok Swap, just make something fast, like toast. We should save room for the feast anyway. Stars said. I got up and said: I will go get Dings. Ok, thank you B! Stars said as he collapsed into his chair. Poor Stars was overworked by Dings. I went into the lab and tapped Wing on the head. Hey Dings, time to eat. Go away, I'm not hungry he said, just as his stomach growled. I giggled and said: your stomach doesn't think so! Then I grabbed his hand and pulled, saying: come onnnnnnnn! I wanna eat! Fine! But only because you want me to. Yay! Let's go! After breakfast, I went outside and sat on the ground by the door. Since the accident, I was afraid to go further then the door unless someone else was with me. I sat there, listening to music, on my guard. Then I saw someone coming this way. I panicked and ran inside and straight into Fell who was coming to look for me. He started to say something and then noticed my panic. He said: what's wrong? Are you ok? He started to check me. I told him that I had seen someone outside. He ran outside to check, to find Maestro on the doorstep, about to knock. He ushered him inside, looked around, and told me I must have seen Maestro. I sighed in relief and went to tell Swap that Maestro was here. We ate, watched some movies, then Maestro had to go home. Swap and Fell went with him to the rift. I think they were worried about him running into SwapFell. When they got back we watched Frozen 2, which was quite good, and then it was 5 minutes till midnight. Swap got the grapes, and we waited till the countdown. When it came, we all chanted: ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! Right before one, Fell bumped into me, and we kissed. Just then, the fireworks Stars and Dings had made went off. It was a new year.

Well, that's that! Happy New Year! 2020! Squeee! I'm so excited! Wow! I have been writing this book for awhile now, and its done well! I love you all! Enjoy this year, my doves! Hope this is what you had in mind @Thedonkeyking! Or at least close.      

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