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I was filled with panic, and I shrunk back and screamed.
I heard pots fall in the kitchen and Wings yelled from the lab.
Everyone ran up the stairs to where I was. They were ready to fight.
(Fell pov) But there was no one. Just B, asleep still and shaking in his sleep and crying. Whoever did this to him was going to pay dearly for hurting my friend, even if I didn't know him well.
(Back to B's POV) I was shook awake by Swap, who hugged me and said it was OK. I felt scared and weak. The others agreed to stay with me all night. Fell put on a musical called Dear Evan Hansen. It was very good, I enjoyed it a lot. Swap made me some soup and fed me. Everyone was very kind and helpful. I was getting better, but I was still scared that he would get me. In the night, I slept with Stars in Wing Dings bed, and Dings slept with Swap. Fell was also on guard downstairs. I had nightmares every night though. But I was well taken care of, and I got better slowly. I knew that Swap would never let me be alone outside anymore. Then Maestro came to visit. I enjoyed his visits because he would sing with me and share news. He couldn't find our worlds through. he found Dings and Swaps, but not mine and Fells. It seemed Fell had many different versions of his world, and he didn't know which one, and mine was just not around. I was sad, but I had hope that it would be found and I could go back to Kin. Who knew what was happening with him, his mother could have taken him, he could be dead for all I know! I was worried. But I tried to hide it, because Dings thought that it was his fault we were all down here, and I didn't want to make his upset. I trusted that Kin could take care of himself.  If he couldn't, he wouldn't have survived so long.

Hey guys! Here is another chapter, sorry I took so long, I have bad writers block. Please help me get through it! Give me some suggestions for the next chapter. Also, I have started a draft book of some dreams I have been having of the Undertale AU DanceTale. I am not going to publish it for a while, but be on the look out for it! Also, any BATIM fans out there, are you ready for Bendy and the dark revival? I know I am! OK, that's enough, I will shut up now! I love my doves!
             Oh ya, just in case you missed it, I am calling you guys my doves as long as you dont mind! Love you all

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