I can see?

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I woke up and was blinded with color. Sunlight all around! I thought that this must be another nightmare, but then Kin came from out of nowhere and hugged me! I hugged him and cried. He showed me around the surface since they had broken the barrier now. Then we went home and there was Papyrus and Lucinda! I hugged them and cried again. Lucinda consoled me: B! Its ok! Don't be sad! I love you, and I hate to see you sad! Just smile for me. These are tears of joy, let me have them. But B, I can't bear to see you cry. It's ok, I just missed you all so much. And I missed seeing too! Oh B! I missed you too! Then all a sudden, Lucinda turned to dust! Then Papyrus, and Kin, and the house, and the whole world! And I was plunged into darkness again. I panicked and started resorting to my dragon instincts. I heard a voice from all around me: silly B, did you think I would let you GO? You are my creature, and I will get you back! You can never get away from me! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahàhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Then I woke up, hot tears streaming down my face. It was all a dream. My family wasn't alive, I couldn't see, and HE wasn't coming to get me? I curled up into a ball, complete with my tail, and sobbed. I sobbed so hard that my tiny, frail body shook. That the bed shook. That everyone ran into the room. That when they tried to console me, I only sobbed harder. Then Stars picked me up, placed me on his lap and started rubbing my back. He kicked everyone else out. Then he stayed with me for an hour, rubbing my spine. When I had completely stopped, he took me downstairs and put my favorite musical on. Then he made everyone stop what they were doing and watch it with me, including Dings. I was on Stars and Fells laps, Dings was on the floor, and Swap was standing next to the couch we were on. When it was over, I fell asleep on Fell just as Stars was placing my headphones on so I could listen to more musicals while Fell watched his horror, in hopes that the music would prevent bad dreams.

Oh its getting interesting! And aww Stars is such a dad!!! Fan girl moment! This is such a cute chapter except for the nightmare part. But before the nightmare part, we got to see some more of B with his family! Yay! Lucinda is his wife's name. As you know, she is still alive, she just left him. But he still loves her. So I just included her. We are going to get a lot more dreams!

👇👈 👍✌💀 💧👈👈 📝
Some Wingdings, good luck decoding!
Love my Doves!
Answer will be posted on my profile.

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