The slow process

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The next day, I woke up and for the first time in a while, I was hungry and not feeling dead. I got up and got dressed for the first time in days. I had been going around in my pajamas. Now I put on my usual outfit and headed downstairs. Someone had carried me to my bed last night. I sat on the couch waiting for breakfast to be done. I felt Fell snore, apparently he was still asleep. I heard Wing go get coffee,just going about their normal morning routines. Swap called us and Fell woke up with a start, almost kicking me in the face.  I headed to the kitchen and sat in my usual place then I realized that Stars wasn't here. I asked Wing if he had seen him. He said that he wasn't in bed when he woke up.  I asked Fell and he that he'd been asleep. Fair enough I guess. Then I went to ask Swap and Stars just appeared out of nowhere! He said he thought that he'd just teleported out of the void! He was super excited and we were all really confused. How would he have managed that?! Then he explained. He'd been feeling sad, thinking about his home, then he'd decided to try and teleport out again, except this time he tried to teleport 'anywhere out of the void' and he found himself on grass staring at a sign that read: if your here, then Monster Town is straight ahead! He had then teleported to tell them. They were shocked and didn't have any idea which AU this could be. They decided to go check it out after breakfast only because Swap insisted that they eat. After waffles and hash browns, they all teleported to the coordinates Stars told them. They found themselves in front of the sign and without a word they all ran down the path to find: a bunch of tiny shacks among the trees. They went up to one and knocked on the door. A bunny lady answered and gasped at the new people. She asked them who they were and what they were looking for. Stars spoke for them all and said: pardon me good lady, but we are looking for Sans and Papyrus. Might you point us in the direction of their house? She laughed and said of course! It's that one right there! The one with the pirate flag and giftmas ornaments!  Thank you my lady! Many blessings on you and your family! Stars said.

Ok ok let me explain. This is not the end. Just because they are on the surface doesn't mean this is anywhere near done. It still going to be a while before he finds his AU and get there and in between, there will still be going back and forth between the void and this AU. Could really use some attention on my ask book so go check it out! :-) thanks for all the support everyone! Love ya my doves! :-)

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