Chapter 50

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Chelsea POV

We were on the second week of the trip and had touched down in Cali yesterday.

I had opted to get a bit of shopping in this morning then meet Marshall at Dre's studio later.

I was browsing some boutiques when my phone rang, without checking the ID I answered.


"Katie? Is that you? I haven't heard from you in ages, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, look, you should go visit mom"

"I can't right now I'm in California, what do you mean visit her, what's happened?"

"I think I got the gist of it but it's hard to make out between the slurs" She Paused "Her boyfriend ran off with the neighbours daughter, and took everything valuable mom owned"

I sighed, my mother was the last person I wanted to see, I really didn't feel like having to deal with her.

"Chelsea I know you've got your life at the moment, and I would fly over and check but I can't get away, I'm actually concerned, she didn't make sense, and as much as I hate to say it, she's still our mom"

I pinched the bridge of my nose and inhaled, my sister and I talked a few times a year and it was never for long, it also was normally also about our parents.

"Okay I'll go as soon as I get back in a few days, in the mean time we'll have to get someone else to check"

"Good luck Chelsea, let me know how you go"

I hung up the phone and slipped it back into my Balmain bag.


I just know she's going to be a drunkin' mess and that verbal abuse I really wanted to avoid.

Cheryl Morris could be a mean drunk.

I sent a text to one of my moms other neighbour that I still had contact with and asked them to check on her.

"You okay Ms Morris?" Sam's voice came from beside me.

Marshall's condition of me going shopping, I took a bodyguard, and since Sam is his most trusted, that's who's shadowing me, he's so good at it I forgot he was with me.

"Yeah, family drama, you know how it is"

"Oh yeah, ofcouse" He gave me a sympathetic smile "Know that all too well, can pick your friends but not your family unfortunately"

"Sam, Do you think we could go to Marshall now? I've lost interest in anymore shopping"

It had really taken the wind out of me, I'm not even on the same state and she manages to suck the energy out of me by just having her name mentioned, now I'm a ball of stress and anxiety.

"Sure Ms Morris, I'll let the boss know we're coming back early" He said pulling out his phone.

"I wish you'd call me Chelsea, we've known each other for awhile, I've been with Marshall for almost a year" I chuckled.

Sam hung up, shook his head and gestured to me to walk in front of him "As long as Long as I'm the boss's security mam, I do still have to remain professional"

I couldn't argue with the man, it was apart of the job, Reggie, who's another one of Marshall's team that's normally out with me is the same.

Sam opened the door, taking my shopping bags to put in the boot, I climbed in, placing my handbag next to me and got comfortable.

My anxiety was going to eat me alive by the end of the week.

What is Marshall gonna think? I'm sure my alcoholic narcissistic mother isn't something he'd be overly concerned about.

I sigh as my phone vibrates, I pull it out of my bag to see a message from Marshall.

"You okay? Sam said he was bringing you to the studio early, What happened to buying a whole new wardrobe?"

"I'll tell you when I get there, it's almost lunchtime, are you able to break?"

"I was planing on asking you anyways, I'll see you when you get here, we'll go get something to eat and talk"

"I'll see you soon xx"

I put my phone back in my bag and leaned back against the headrest.


"So you gonna tell me why you're moods flipped?" Marshall asked sitting next to me in the private booth at the back of the resturant, arm agains the back of the chair as he sipped his coke.

"I had a call from my sister Katie"

"Oh shit I forget you have a sister, why she calling you?"

"My moms boyfriend left her and ran off with her money so my sister is worried and wants me to go check on her"

"Your sister wants you to check in on your estranged, alcoholic mother?

"That's correct" I sighed "I mean I'm gonna do it, she's my mother, Katie's the one that still talks to her and stuff, I haven't see my mother in a year and even that was a by chance"

"Then why can't she fly her ass out and do it?"

I chuckled at Marshall's question.

"Because she said she's busy and can't get away"

"So she's sending you into the lions den, well fuck, when you gonna do it?"

"When we get back to Detroit I'll stop by, I'm not looking forward to it, she looked so awful last time, the drugs and alcohol have aged her so much, the awful part is that she was a beautiful woman once, now she just looks haggard"

"Yeah, they tend to do that to your appearance, unlike yours truely, I managed to skip that part"

"Marshall you're 12 years sober, you pretty much reversed that damn clock and I don't know how" I chucked, I loved when he pretended to be cocky, I knew how insecure about his looks, he was so delusional because he was in fact a very attractive man that was lucky enough to age amazingly, he always made jokes to cover up the insecurities.

He gave me a smile and pulled me in, kissing me softly on the lips "Everything's gonna be okay, do you... do you want me to come with you?"

"Oh no I couldn't ask that of you, I don't want you caught up in that drama, plus you worked so hard to get out of Warren, what if someone saw you?"

"Baby, I'm fine, if you need support, I want to be there to support you, I know what it's like dealing with this type of shit remember"

I looked into his ocean blue eyes which were full of concern, I raised my hand and stroked the side of his face, there was no getting out of this, he'd probably just follow me there anyway.

"Fine, only if you're comfortable"

"As long as I'm with you, making sure you're okay, I really don't give a fuck how uncomfortable I am, I'll have Sam tail is or something just in case I get spotted"

I sighed.

"Well yourself in for a wild ride Marshall Mathers, and get ready to meet satan, otherwise known as my mother, Cheryl Morris"

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