Chapter 9

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Marshall's POV

"So you just gonna lay in wait? You taking our advice?" Royce said in disbelief.

"Yeah sort of, Since your bitch ass dobbed me into Hailie, both her and Alaina been on my back about this dating bullshit"

"Man you're out your mind still wanting to fuck with groupies, one of these days you gonna catch something nasty"

"If it was gonna happen it would have by now" I shrugged.

"Well ya works cut out for you, she's fine as hell but she's not leaving that dude any day soon, look how he treats her and she still loyal as hell"

"Convenience is a bitch, you remember that don't you?" I smirked "She's still here ain't she?, friend card working real good"

"Oh you gonna play it like that are you? Big bad Marshall Mathers gonna be all showering a woman with attention and shit"

"Hailie's got good advice"

"That Girl is so smart how the fuck she come from your dumb ass" Royce said stroking his chin "Still seems like a lot of effort for you to put in just to bang man, I mean even I can tell she ain't that type"

I just shrugged and drank my red bull.

"Your choice man, just know I told you so"

"Met her son tonight, that was a surprise, he towers over me" I chuckled.

"Good, He gonna kick you ass you play games with his momma"

"Ok look, I'm taking your advise and trying this dating thing now get off my dick about it, I will do it how I want"

"Such a cry baby still, that's why you need a grown ass woman to reel you in"

I huffed and rolled my eyes, I wasn't a cry baby, I just don't have the trust to put in woman, it's easier just to fuck them and then on to the next.

The only reason I even agreed to trying this dating shit was because my Daughters begged me, and ofcouse my weak ass can't say no to them.

I also wanted them off my back so if I said yes and made it look like I was dating it's a win win.

I was sick of everyone on my back about it.

Women and I have never been the best mix.

They're all delusional most of the time.

But if I'm gonna waste my time it's gonna be on Chelsea, I haven't seen a woman her age that hot in a long time.

Just gotta get Chad out of the way first.

"Earth To Marshall" Royce said waving his hand in front of me expectantly "So?"

"Yeah whatever, I'm doing it ok, just let me keep getting it for now"

Royce's face scrunched up in disgust "Man please at least choose the classy ones"

"Now we both fucking know there is no such thing as a classy groupie" I chuckled.

"Well at least find one and get her tested and stick to her like a fuck friend"

"That's actually pretty smart"

He smirked "Not just a pretty face my friend"

I chuckled and slapped his shoulder.

"I should get back before she decides to run home to Chad"

"Yeah man I'll catch you up later, enjoy"

I turn and head back over to the small group taking a seat back next to Chelsea, maybe a little closer then originally.

"Hey you're back" Chelsea smiled, she was pretty composed but I'm almost certain she was feeling the expensive champagne.

"Yeah sorry, was hashing out shit with Royce"

"Tees on her Yacht bender again"

I chuckled "No Detroit rappers gonna have a Yacht, we don't even like water, she's gonna have to head west coast for that"

Chelsea giggled and stretched out her legs in front of her.

How I wanted them around my head.

"So" I said clearing my throat "enjoying yourself?"

"Absolutely" She smiled "I'm having a blast, I didn't realise how slow our social life was"

"Don't play with me, you'd be out all the time"

"Most of the time Tee and I just have a few drinks over dinner, the Detroit clubs are less then appealing these days"

"Yeah they're still a bit rough, that's the only problem, but then I don't go out to those places anymore"

"That's right, how lucky am I? Evidently being in your presence out in public is rare" She smiled and stroked my arm playfully.

"I'm out in public more then people think" I chuckled "People just suck at recognising me and I'm very good at disguising myself so yeah, I guess you're damn lucky baby" I placed my hand on her thigh, she didn't even flinch, so I left it there.

I was fighting the urge to move up under that dress.

Her body in that little red dress made me feel like a bull, it was a target and all I wanted to do since I picked her up was ram myself into her.

As the night got on Tee and Chelsea both got slightly slaughtered, they were still pretty composed, guess all those colts back in the day trained them well.

"Hey I think we should... go" Chelsea said leaning on me squinting at her phone as she turned it on then shoved it in my face "Can you pleaseeee tell me the time Marshhh"

I chuckled grabbing her phone, I could see multiple calls and texts from Chad.

"It's time for you to come back to mine"

"And do whattt? braid each other's hair, ain't that what friends do?"

She giggled and leaned against the wall and grabbing my arm to steady herself, I leaned in close to her placing my arm next to her head.

She stiffened up, eyes focusing on my face then dropping to my lips, licking her own.

"Special friends do more then braid hair"

My other hand placed on her hip, fingers stroking the fabric of her dress.

"Uhhhh" She said, placing her hand lightly on my chest pushing me back a bit "Do you have board games?"

I chuckled, she was pretty hard to crack.

I leaned back but snaking my arm around her waist and pulled her with me.

"For you Chelsea, I'll find some"

With that I rounded Tee and Denaun up, said our goodbyes to Royce and his family and we all headed back to mine.

To play damn board games, Denaun was never gonna let me live this down.

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