Chapter 16

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Shout out for the term #cancelchad, it was given to me by the wonderful originalpas1 , it's perfection 😂

Tee laid out on Chelsea's bed while she was answering some emails for work.

Marshall had stepped out with the guys to go to the studio to see Dre about some tracks while there were there and would be back soon.

"Soooo, you and Marshall huh"

"We haven't done anything"

Tee laughed and rolled on her side and cocked an eyebrow.

"You ain't about to sit your pretty white ass there and lie to my face and act like you're not gonna ride that beautiful rap god like the fucking white stallion that he is"

Chelsea sighed at her friend.

"Don't give me that attitude Chelsea, the man clearly wants to be all up in you, he's just waiting for the word"

"Yeah? What about me in all this?"

"You could be happier... you damn well know you're not happy with that boring as hell Chad, just kissing on Marshall all night has left a goofy ass grin on your face"

"He can hurt me... literally tear me down, Chad I don't have to worry about, there's no real feeling involved"

"That's what this is about? You're afraid shit will go down and you'll get heart broken? girl come on, I know you've had a bad run but not all men are out to use you, hell he's the one throwing money at you, he can also chase any woman he wants and ditch her in a second, but he's literally befriended you, he's actually invested shit, he's paid for this whole birthday trip because you were upset, you're involved in his life now" Tee said getting up and sitting next to her friend "You know life is all a gamble baby, you just gotta learn to take a risk, god knows, if everything's true about him, you won't regret it"

"What about Chad?"

"What about him? Girl that shit was over before it started he ain't worried about you while he's fucking those younger girls, you deserve that fine bearded piece of ass"

Chelsea giggled at her friend.

"In fact I'm cancelling Chad, hashtag cancelchad, he's done girlfriend" Tee said "He doesn't exist anymore, he belongs in the bin with your ex, from here on out I'm team Marshall, hell I might even make T-shirt's with hashtag and everything"

"You're crazy"

"No girl, you're fucking crazy, you turned down Marshall Mathers eating you out"

"I shouldn't have told you that"

"I swear if you don't just ride this out I'm going to loose my damn mind and rip off my damn weave" Tee said with a huff "Every single one of us are rooting for you two"


"Because his friends like your pain in the ass and think you're good for him"

"Who said that?"

"I've spent most of my time talking with Denaun and you know Royce is a gossip, so between those two the information is pretty solid, I even had Fifty questioning when I was trying to hit him up, apparently Marshall likes to talk about your fine ass, he's always mentioning his friend Chelsea"

Chelsea groaned "Really? What am I gonna do?"

"Just give in, I'm telling you, we're all telling you, you're not cheating on Chad" Tee then smirked "Say it with me, bye Chad, I'm gonna go get lavished by a rapper who's gonna make me bed bound"

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