Chapter 11

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(I realised I hadn't really given timeframes when I first started writing 😂, so as I'm fixing and spell checking I'll try and ad it in)

Chelsea stepped out of the Gym and headed towards her car.

As she got in her phone rang.

It had been a month since the launch party and It was a week until her fortieth birthday and she was starting to get excited for the that had been planned.

She had finally stopped being angry enough at Chad to see him as usual again.

Sure he was an asshole but he was safe.

While she had some expectations, they weren't high, so the hurt that followed the disappointment wasn't as hard.

Marshall on the other hand was a very doting friend, he even gave her son and friends time of day, her own boyfriend didn't even do that.

People called him and asshole but she didn't see it.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you going"

"Hey Chad hun, what can I do for you"

"It's about your birthday trip this weekend, I'm going to have to cancel"

Chelsea closed her eyes and breathed in, preparing herself for the shitty excuse that was coming.

"And why is that?" Chelsea said calmly into the phone.

She was over this shit.

"Well the boys wanted to go away to Cancun"

Chelsea saw red.

It was her Fucking 40th.

She couldn't believe how selfish he was being.

Well she could, this was Chad's usual MO.

"Do what you want Chad, I'll spend it with my friends, and don't worry about dinner tonight, I'll spend that with my friends too" She huffed and hung up on him.

She was absolutely seething, out of all the jerk things he'd done, this topped the list.

She pulled her phone out texting Tee to come over and have dinner with Hunter and herself.

Her phone rang again, she was ready to hang up again when she realised it was Marshall.

It was like the man had a sixth sense.

"Hey Marshall, what's up?"

"Yo baby, nothing too much, what's happening with you?, what are you doing tonight?"

"Cancelled on Chad because he's a dumbass and cancelled my birthday weekend, so I've invited Tee over to have dinner with myself and Hunter"

"That's not good, the mans a moron, his loss, room for one more? The guys had to pull out last minute at the studio so I'm free and can't really be bothered with anyone else but your fine self"

"Always welcome at my house Marshall you know that" She smiled into the phone "Do you like Mexican?"

"You damn well know I love that shit, I'll see you soon baby" with that he hung up.

It baffled her, it really did.

How a man who wasn't even her sexual partner gave her more attention then her actual boyfriend.

Half the time Chad couldn't even be bothered going for dinner.

Marshall would turn up with it at her doorstep, usually unannounced.

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