Chapter 8

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I feel like this is a very appropriate song lol

Chelsea's POV

So this is a release party huh?" Tee asked Marshall as he handed us a glass of champagne each.

"Yeah, they never use to be this tame though, but Royce has been sober 7 years now so it's calm, had you come to one about 12 years ago..." Marshall took a seat next to me and looked pensive and shrugged "Hell I can't even remember most of those years, but from what I've seen told it was all drugs and sluts"

"You look better now" I smiled and reached for his arm "I mean look how buff you are"

"Copping a feel? That was actually really smooth" He said with a smirk.

I sipped from the champagne flute, he leaned across me and reached for his Diet Coke, I couldn't help but inhale his scent, it made the hairs stand on end and goose bumps spread all over my body.

He sat back and I felt his eyes move over me.

"I have to say you are looking pretty damn fine"

"Thanks, I try to look after myself" I smiled, I actually worked really damn hard on it "I didn't thank you for the flowers and 40s"

He let out a deep chuckle.

So help me god.

"They're for later, you know, for you to go wild out for me"

"Colt 45 just do the job so well" I giggled.

"Yeah I use to drink them when I was younger, plus when I was broke as fuck it was the only option, tasted like cats piss but gets you tanked"

"Why the flowers though?" Tee smirked.

"Can't friends by friends flowers" I huffed at her.

"I only buy my beautiful friends flowers..." Marshall chuckled.

"Liar" Royce said appearing out of no where "Where the fucks my flowers then? I'm beautiful too bitch"

Tee cackled and nudged Royce "I told her the damn same thing"

"Marshall's special friend Chelsea"

I rolled my eyes and drank my champagne again.

I wish she would just drop it.

My phone vibrated and it was Chad.

From Chad
Are you free? Want to get a late dinner? Come now.

The heat rose on my chest, unbelievable, I had spoken to him multiple times about being busy tonight.

I can't remember if he ever did listen to me.

To Chad
I'm busy. I told you I'm at an album release party tonight. Another time.

From Chad
I'm sure you can hang with your little friends another time. I'm free now. Stop being so immature.

To Chad
You know what, I'm not free, I'll talk to you later.

"Ohhh Girl" Tee said looking over my shoulder "Fuck his ass, I was there when you said you were busy and had plans and he was sitting on his phone texting, probably some ho, fuck it tell him you're partying with rappers, he'd LOVE that"

I switched my phone off and shoved it in my purse fuming.

Who the hell does he think he is.

Marshall gestured to the girl with the champagne again.

"You alright?"

"Yeah I'm great actually" I said grabbing the glass and knocking it back, Marshall watching with amusement "Where's those 40s At?"

He chuckled, and swept my hair over my shoulder and leaned in whispering into my ear.

"Don't worry about him, you got me"

I looked at him and shook my head, he smirked and shrugged and sat back with his arm across the back of the chair

"Worth a try, good thing I'm persistent"

I giggled like a teenage girl, it's been such a long time since someone showed me this much attention, between my ex and Chad, they couldn't muster up this much attention unless it was about them getting off, even then it was still one sided.

"For the amount of sober people here this place is actually going off" Tee said looking around, it was still quite busy.

"Do you even know who we are?"

Marshall questioned on false offence.

"Yeah but, oh you know what I mean, we're all in our early to late 40s"

"So? If anything were more seasoned in this shit" Denaun chimes in.

Marshall stood up "I'll be right back, just gotta go talk to Royce" and walked off in Royce's direction.

"Friends huh?" Denaun smirked.

"Yes, why is it so questionable"

"It's Slim, everything he does is questionable" he chuckled "Either he's seen something others haven't and he wants it or he really wants into those panties, and it sounds like you're that challenge"

I shrugged, it was weird though, he could have any woman and he was wasting time befriending me.

"Well these panties are off limits" I said raising my hands.

"We'll see, I've heard your mans a scrub"

I looked at Tee and glared, news really spread like wild fire.

"What? I didn't say shit"

"It was Royce, he got a big mouth"
Denaun said raising his hands in surrender "Gossips like a fiend, but I will say you deserve better and I don't even know your man, but that one" he said pointing to Marshall "Acts like a hard ass but he'd give the woman he loves the world, he's generous as hell, but don't tell him I said that"

"He bought me long stemmed roses and 40s" I chuckled and Denaun raised a brow.

"He's so weird, we can't even get him to buy as a damn water"

"It was a inside joke, I grew up in Warren too"

"Oh so you know 40s" He laughed "But the flowers are a nice touch, gonna buy a girl colt 45 40s, you gotta class it up"

I smiled at his friend, Denaun was so honest and refreshing, I could see why Marshall was close with him, he was looking out for his friend much like I would look after Tee.

"So Denaun, you got a yacht?" Tee asked with a playful smile "Because I'm on the market"

"Jesus Tee" I said rolling my eyes.


"You can't ask one of the members of D12 shit like that, you've got no shame"

"D12 has no shame, that's why we were so great" Denaun said and was laughing his head off at this point "Go on Tee Girl, I don't have a Yacht yet but I can pretend"

Tee smiled mischievously and sat between us.

She was out there alright.

I looked over and saw Royce and Marshall in a deep conversation, I picked up my glass and drank again looking around.

This was pretty great, I never realised how boring my life was up until now.

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