Chapter 2

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Tapping her manicured fingers on her desk, going over some articles, Chelsea was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in"

The door flew open and Tee came sauntering in to her office, in her usual tight office attire and perching herself on the corner of the desk.

"Girl, you didn't call me back last night, get busy?"

"No" Chelsea said leaning back in her chair "I left the resturant, went home alone and I drank myself to sleep"

Tee rolled her eyes.

"What happened to you hot date with Chad?"

"He had to work late"

"You're are out of your mind putting up with that shit" Tee said checking her nails "If he was mine I would have kicked him to the curb a long time ago"

"And that's why you're single"

"I don't need no pig to validate my existence girl, you know that" Tee smirked "A lesson you really need to be schooled in"

"Chad is low maintenance"

"You've been together a year and I'm sure you've seen less of each other then a normal couple"

"Maybe I like abnormal?"

"Whatever that bottle of wine tells you before bed at night babe" Tee rolled her eyes and chuckled "Anyways I really didn't come to talk about your terrible love life, I come with some exciting event news"

"I'm listening"

"Well, we've been invited to a charity event, I don't know which one but management were pretty insistent that we attend, so Hours is gonna do a piece, but we get to attend!"

"I'm down for a charity thing, any more details?"

"All I saw was that it's cocktail attire, a few big names in Detroit will be attending along with people of government, you know the normal, it's Friday night"

"Alright I'm in, got nothing else to do" Chelsea shrugged "I think I got a few dresses I haven't worn yet"

"Nah Girl we need to get you banging"

Tee said rubbing her hands together "Get us some fine, rich men"

"I have a boyfriend Tee"

"That's not a boyfriend, that's just a convenience, a boyfriend would shower your beautiful fine self with affection"

"Why must you constantly want to turn my life into an episode of Sex in Detroit City" Chelsea whined.

"Because you deserve more" Tee said standing up straightening her skirt "Meet me after work, well buy something together"

"Whatever" Chelsea said waving her off as Tee walked out of the office.


Chelsea stood in front of the mirror.

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