Chapter 4

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It was Monday morning, Chelsea was slowly regretting the bottles of champagne her and Tee consumed the night before over dinner.

Adjusting her sunglasses she walked through security and stepped into the elevator to an awaiting Tee.

"I feel like shit"

"At least you don't look it" Tee said, too enthusiastic for someone with a hang over.

"I'm getting too old to drink like that"
"Girl, we did drink a fair bit huh" Tee chuckled as they stepped off the elevator and walked into Chelsea's office.

Putting her handbag down, she saw a black box sitting on her desk.

"What's that?"

Chelsea shrugged picking it up and opened it, inside there was a rolled up poster, two CDs and a note.

"What is that?" Tee said snatching the poster and unrolling it.

Chelsea pulled one of the the CDs out inspecting it closer, it was Marshall's newest album Music To Be Murdered By.

She was interrupted by Tee cackling, she turned and got a glimpse of the poster.

Oh fuck no.

It was the same one she has above her bed when she was a teenager.

"Oh for fuck sakes"

Tee only laughed harder, leaning on the desk to contain herself "Oh he still got jokes though"

"Glad you get great joy out of my embarrassment you bitch"

Chelsea pulled out the note.

Guess who?

So, agreeing with your friend when she said you need to get on my new shit, so I took the liberty and sent you two copies of it, house and car, wouldn't want you to miss out now.

And the poster is for you to put back above your bed, had to dig deep in the archives for it too, my gift for you, for old times sake.

Hate for you to forget Slim Shady.


"So help me god" Chelsea said sighing and sitting in her chair as Tee snatched the note and read it out loud.

Still Cackling.

She was loving this too much.

"I don't know if it's possible to feel anymore embarrassed"

"Oh shut up" Tee laughed "You should put it above your bed though, bet Chad would love it, hell it would probably improve you sex life"

Chelsea rolled her eyes.

"You know, rumour has it that our new friend Marshall Mathers is quite the pussy monster"

"Where did you hear that trash? That can't be real"

"Please, he just looks like a man that loves pussy, are you stupid" Tee smirked "Why don't you ask him?"

"Don't you have work to do?"

"I've cleared my schedule, this is too good"

Chelsea glared at her friend, she pulled her things out and started to work ignoring Tee.

"You know I'm not gonna stop"

"I know, you're on a damn tangent..."

Suddenly Chelsea's phone rang, looking at the caller Id she groaned and answered.

"Thanks for the gift" she answered into the phone only to be met by a deep chuckle "Today I learnt there is a whole new level of embarrassment"

"I'm glad, bet you regret that you told me where you work"

"That's debatable, Tee has all but wet herself"

"What can I say, I'm a funny guy. A man of many talents so it seems"

"Cute, but thanks, I'll be sure to give the CD a listen"

"Well I also called for something else"

"Hmmm and what's that?" Chelsea asked, turning away, trying to ignore Tee's motions as if she was sucking a dick.

"Well, Royce is having this thing for his new album Saturday and was pretty insistent that you both attend, he enjoyed your bickering so much he thought it was entertaining, it's a private event too"

Tee started flailing her arms about and nodding her head yes wildly.

"I guess so, where is it?"

"Don't worry about that, I'll pick you and Tee up around eight pm, I just need your address"

"I'll text it to you, is there a dress code?"

"Just dress fine as hell" he chuckled "Anyways I gotta go, I'll see you Saturday Chelsea"

"Sure, see you then" She said then hanging up the phone.

"Girl we did not just get invited out by a bunch of rappers" Tee sighed loudly falling onto the chair "Why couldn't this happen like 20 years ago, 90 present of them are all sober now"

"I don't think that's a bad thing, I mean it's also less of a chance of them having some STD coz they're not fucking around with every woman wasted"

"Forever the word of reasoning" Tee chuckled "You said yes to a date with Eminem, you two timing slut"

"I did not, friends can ask people to places your moron"

"Yes, But Eminem doesn't invite you to places and want to end up being friends, I mean maybe finger fucking friends but who knows..."

"Fuck sakes Tee, PLEASE go do some work"

"You damn well know I'm right" Tee said standing up pulling her handbag over her shoulder "I'm gonna have you eating his m&m Minis or I'll eat my own fucking words"

She started to walk out "And get rid of Chad, I can't stand him, he doesn't deserve your fine ass" she then stormed out muttering about rappers and yachts.

Chelsea flipped her off again, she was impossible.


Chelsea has been working hard all day trying to ignore Tee and failing miserably.

She was always right, she'd tried to arrange a date night with Chad again and nothing.

An absolute stranger literally just invited her to a private party, he was famous for crying out loud and she couldn't get a date with her own non famous boyfriend.

Her really, really boring as hell boyfriend with the sense of humour as a dead fish.

He didn't even like eating out.

Deep down she he had been cheating on her the whole time.

But she really didn't care for him.

She grabbed her phone and shot off her address to Marshall.

She glanced over and saw the box with CDs and the poster and laughed to herself.

How in the world did that even happen.

Someone up there was certainly having a good old giggle these last few years.

Her phone vibrated and she looked down at the new message.

What's the harm in being friends with a super hot, super fit, world wide superstar rapper of legendary status anyways, what could possibly go wrong.

We're all adults here.

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