Chapter 12

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The following Friday...

Marshall's driver pulled up to the jet.

Chelsea looked at him wide eyed.

"Okay you gonna tell me yet, why are we about to get on a plane?"

"Just get out of the car and stop asking questions" Marshall said opening the door and helping her out while his security got the bags.

Marshall led her to and up the steps of the private jet with his hand on the small of her back.

"Surprise!" Tee yelled once they hit the main seating area, she was standing beside Royce, his wife and Denaun.
Chelsea smiled as she saw her friend, moving from Marshall's side to hug her and the others.

"I suppose you're the one behind this too?"

"Nope, technically it's all Marshall, I'm just giving him some ideas" Tee grinned popping a bottle of champagne "Us popping bottles on a private jet, who would have ever thought?" She then pored two glasses and handed one to Chelsea.

"Are ya gonna be a good friend and tell me?"

"No way girl, I'm not gonna get thrown off Marshall's damn jet"

Marshall chuckled and took a seat next to Chelsea and Tee "Patience is a virtue baby"

"This is pretty exciting, I can't believe I'm on a private jet!"

"You think this is amazing, wait to see the rest of your birthday" Royce Chuckled, pouring red bulls into glasses and passing them around to Marshall "You about to loose your mind"

"Was Hunter Okay?"

"Yeah he was more then happy to hang around a few more days and watch my house, I think he's getting his girlfriend to come over and stay"

"This has all worked out just.... perfect"
Tee smirked and raised her glass "Here's to fucking fine and Forty!"

"It's not until tomorrow?"

"Uh Girl I don't think that matters, were on a private jet, ya birthday starts now!"

They all raised their glasses and clinked.

Suddenly her phone rang, pulling it out she huffed at the ID, it was a video call too.

Marshall grabbed her phone out her hands and slid it to answer.

"Yo man! What's Happening"

"Um is Chelsea there?"

"She sure is my man, we about to take off on my private jet to celebrate her birthday!" Marshall said, making sure he could see everyone on the plane.

"Why the hell are you answering her phone?? What, wait private jet?"

"Yeah man, figure I'll give her the 40th she'll remember since your stupid ass don't seem to have the time of day..."

Chelsea laughed and grabbed the phone back.

"Hey hun, I got to make this short, we're about to take off"

"What the hell Chelsea , you've been ignoring me all week and Why the hell are you on a private jet with Eminem??"

"Oh you know, he's one of those little friends you keep referring too, but he's planned a whole birthday weekend for me, isn't that nice?? Instead of bailing on me for his friends and some disease ridden whores"

"So you ran around befriending the rappers of Detroit? Get off that plane and I'll meet you at yours"

Marshall stepped into the video with Royce and Tee.

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