Chapter 15

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Chelsea squinted at the ray of light coming through the curtain and groaned.

Why was it whenever she was hung over the light always found her.

Shuffling over on the bed to escape the stream of light, she realised there was a arm around her.

A tattoo of young Hailies face staring back at her.

Oh yeah, Marshall was sleeping next to her.

She drunkingly asked him to stay with the intention to sleep with him but then chickened out last minute.

It wasn't that she didn't want him in that way because she did, painfully.

But the pep talk she had with herself earlier last night about not playing it safe had backfired, leaving her with the anxiety.

She didn't want to be a cheater.

Even though technically she didn't love Chad, nor did he ever say it to her.
It was still a relationship.

Marshall also hated cheaters so what would he think of her?

She sighed and shrugged under his arm more.

She started to feel slightly self conscious of the fabric of his T-shirt she was wearing that had ridden up, his hand was slung over her stomach, tips of his fingers sitting on the top of her panties.

Then it hit her, technically she'd already cheated.

The memories of the kiss in the jacuzzi, then all night in that very suite flooded back.

She touched her lips, they were still sore from Marshall's hungry lips, a slight rash from his beard.

The tingle shot down her spine thinking about it, making her hairs stand on end, clamping her thighs together to fight the sudden arousal.

She turned her head and looked to her side, Marshall's resting face was pure on calm.

"Stop being weird" He said suddenly, almost making Chelsea crawl out of her skin from the sudden fright.

"I'm not being weird"

"Then why are you watching me sleep?"

"I was trying to remember last night"

"Want a play by play? We made out like teenagers, it was actually pretty hot" Marshall chuckled, stroking the lace at the top of her panties "Man the first woman I kiss in ages and fuck me, it's messed with my head, both of them"

Chelsea giggled.

He sat up on his knees in front of her, dragging her legs each side of him so that they were around his waist.

He took her lack of objection as permission and started to move his hand up higher, gently tracing her skin and up the side of her breast.

"Just say the word"

"I don't want to ruin our friendship" Chelsea blurted out.

He looked at her and shook his head "Special friends remember? I'm literally moments away from bursting into flames, if you ain't gonna let me hit it then let me taste it... my birthday treat to you" he said wiggling his brows.

She laughed at his graphic comment.

"What about Chad?"

"What the fuck about him? He don't please you, Hell, you told me plenty of shit last night, he's ain't a boyfriend that's for sure Chelsea, Your friends are right, he's a convenience" Marshall said hooking his fingers into her panties and slowly pulling them down.

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