Chapter 41 - 3rd Perspectice --> Moonlark

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Moonlark looked around the forest the group teleported into.

"I don't recognize this place...." she muttered.  Her heart was pounding, thinking she already made a mistake.

"Don't worry.  I'm pretty sure it is one of those forests in Enternalia that don't matter." Flamethrower whispered as the group started walking.

"Of course." Shadow said, snorting.

"Where's Shiner?" Pixel whispered.  Moonlark turned her head around, looking for the Flasher in the group.

"Mr. Forkle said he would come with us, but he was going to breach the Palace walls for us since none of us can actually go in without a disguise." Moonlark said, drawing her dagger and pacing a few steps in front of us.  In a split second, she lunged forward and the rest of the group heard a sickening scream.  Moonlark came back, unarmed.

"There's more." Invisible said abruptly.  Moonlark nodded gravely.

"Something must have happened to Shiner.  There weren't guards in the forests last time.  They know we're coming." Moonlark said, looking up so the rest of the group could see a bit of her face.  Her blonde hair glistened against the little bit of sunlight against all odds.

"Then we can't use our plan...." Flooder whispered, pursing her lips.

"Oh." Moonlark said, a slow smile creeping up to her lips.  "Don't worry.  I got another plan."


I walked up to the door of the Palace, the others tittering behind me nervously.  They understood the plan but were obviously afraid.  As good as this was, it had many risk factors.

"State your purpose!" the Guard yelled.  I arched my eyebrows.  That was one reaction I didn't expect.  I thought they would immediately yell and attack us.

"Don't recognize your princess?" Biana asked, stepping up next to me.  The Guards face turned into pure shock and immediately about fifteen guards came out and grabbed us.  I yelled when they pulled off our hoods as I glared at them.  I resisted judo flipping the two guards holding me, but they were yanking on my hair while pushing us in.

"Sir!" A guard yelled out.

"What!" A very familiar voice said.

"Hands off!" I snapped, pushing the guards off.  I crossed my arms and showed them I wasn't moving, so they just snatched off my cloak.  I heard footsteps and turned to see a shocked Fitz.  My eyes narrowed seeing his crown, but he must have realized. 

He gave a small laugh as he said, "Why didn't you just say?" as he took off his crown and threw it across the floor.  It landed at my feet and I looked at him, my eyes softening a bit.

"Moonlark!" Flooder cried on my left.  I turned slightly to see the Guards were trying to drag her off.

"Hey!" I yelled , walking over, to have two other guards step in front of me.  I glared at them before Tam and Dex judo flipped them into the other guards, knocking them out when they hit hard rock altars around the room.  I turned back to Fitz and quickly took out the dagger from inside my boot.  I lunged at Fitz as the others quickly took care of the other guards.

"You got me." Fitz said sighing when I got him pinned against the wall with a dagger against his neck.

"Why do you seem so calm about this?" I demanded as I pressed the dagger more against his neck.  He looked at me calmly.

"The last time we were like this, I couldn't see you and I had a burning anger for the Black Swan." Fitz said, staring at me in such an intent way iI could feel a bile form in my throat as I averted my glance.

"Shut up!" I snapped, closing my eyes for a bit to focus.  "We're here to get this over with and we can live a good life." I said, nodding for the others to go and get whatever we need from other rooms.

"A good life?" Fitz demanded.  He took strands of my hair with the darkest red tips.  I forgot about that.  "You meana good life in the Forbidden Cities?  With Adrian?" he demanded, gripped my hair tighter.  Suddenly, he pulled on all my hair, yanking it back.  I gritted my teeth as he stared at me evenly.

"I don't need my hair PRINCE.  But you do need your head and body connected." I warned.  It was just us in the room now, with the dead bodies of guards all around.  He narrowed his eyes, the angriest I've ever seen him since.... Yea.....

"Answer my questions." he demanded.  I gritted my teeth.

"Why would you care?" I demanded, pressing the dagger against his neck more that blood started streaming out more.  He seemed unfazed.  All of a sudden, he pulled the dagger away and connected his lips with mines.  I was shocked at first but immediately melted in.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" he asked when he pulled away.  I was so shocked I couldn't speak so he continued speaking.  "I understand the pain you and the others feel.  But why didn't you just tell me?  I understand what you guys were fighting for.  You could've just told me and I would've helped you.  Why cause our love so much trouble?" he whispered the last question before he connected our mouths again.  I pulled away from realization but Fitz didn't know what I was doing.

"How... do you know?" I asked, looking at him.  He looked at my dropped arm, still gripping the dagger VERY tightly.

"Wylie opened up to us.  He said he was supposed to open up weak points to you guys, but knew there had to be some way to get us to unite peacefully." he said.  "Afterall, I think he also feels guilty to make you come back here that other time." he said, chuckling.  I remembered and bit my lip.  I was angry that Wylie did this, but grateful.

"So... you know.... Everything?" I asked.  He smirked and nodded.  I look down.

"If it makes you feel better, my dad isn't king anymore.  He realized what he was doing was wrong and has allowed me to make any changes I want.  Please...  Sophie...." he said as I started to back away.  I backed away until there was a big gap between us and looked away.

"I..." I said, my voice faltering away.

"Please Sophie....  I want to show you that you don't have to do this."  I turned back to him, his teal eyes full of pain.  Then he opened his mouth and said the words I never expected him to say ever again.

"I love you."

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