Chapter 39 - Sophie/Moonlark

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There was a lot of confusion with the last chapter it seems. Chapter 38 was Fitz's dreams while he was in a coma. He sees one part which he thinks he woke up and the world was always like how he would want it to have been and then the next part he realizes (thinks) this is reality and nothing is going the way it should.
Sorry I didn't update! Family emergencies calls, especially during this time. 😔

"Should we go?" I asked as I looked at the others. Flooder shuddered, probably still thinking of Project Alicorn.

"Your Majesty?" the Guard asked from outside.

"Yes yes. I'll be out in a bit." I quickly said in Fitz's voice. I heard the Guard's shuffle away, one yelling at the other to get hearing aids.

"Go go go!" I whispered in my own voice, rushing to the balcony. I quickly unlocked it and everyone followed me out. We held hands and with a crack of thunder, we jumped over the railing of the balcony.

"How many minutes do we have left?" Linh asked as we ran toward our school.

"1 and a half I think...." Dex yelled. We quickly made it to school and went in after we showed our ID.

"So... Exactly what is this?" I asked as we walked into the yard of our highschool. I saw girls staring at Dex and Tam before whispering to each other and giggling uncontrollably. I rolled my eyes at them before walking to a station where Ashley was standing.

Ashley is our go to girl here. She explains everything to us after we lied that we were Britain (even if that was a stupid lie). And for some strange, unclear reason, she's scared of us.

"Hey Ashley!" Linh piped from behind me. She jumped and her back immediately straightened when she saw us.

"H-hey guys! What's up?" she asked as she quickly turned her back on us to straighten something.

"Can you explain to us what this is?" I asked, waving my hand around to explain I meant everything around us.

"Yeah. It's our yearly highschool fair. It's usually for kids who are going to go to highschool next year. If your from the school already, you can make a booth or help others out or just have fun. I'm running a fantasy booth. It's about the club I'm in. I wish we could actually find some real life fantasies to use though..." She sighed.

"Interesting..." Tam murmured. Ashley blushed slightly. No one could be blind enough to see her crush on Tam.

"Let's walk around guys." Biana said, sighing.

"Might as well get this over with..." I muttered. We walked around until one booth caught my eye. "What... Is.... That?!" I exclaimed, pointing at one booth. There was a huge pink sign with bubbly letters that said, "The Number One Person in This High School No Matter When"

"That's... strange? Can I even call it that?" Biana asked.

"Well... Let's go see it!" Linh chirped, skipping happily over. This drew some unwanted eyes over to us. We walked over to the booth and saw Brittany standing there.

Britany is the kind of girl who wants to draw attention from everyone and always thinks as if she's at the same level as God himself. Actually... Scratch that. She thinks she created God.

"Brittany?!" Dex exclaimed. Brittany turned, a scowl on her face until she saw it was Dex who said that.

"Hey Dex! Hey Tam!" she squealed, running over to try and hug them. Linh yanked Tam out of them way and I yanked Dex out of the way, which was kind of hard to do now since he's growing taller than me. She narrowed her eyes at us before smiling warmly at us.

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