Chapter 4 - Flooder

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Hey guys!  Sorry I didn't upload yesterday. :(. I was studying for a Mock test that I had today and wasn't feeling well so it slipped from my mind.  Sorry!  Anyways, here's the chapter! <3

"Remember why we're doing this." Mr. Forkle told me sharply.

"But..." I protested.

"I know how hard this is for you, Flooder. I was in the same position as you. Being rejected because we have a twin. Don't you want to stop that? Remember all we had to go through?" Mr. Forkle asked me, his eyes softened. I looked down.

"Got it." I said, nodding. I quickly ran away before he could see my crying face. For our next mission, we had to kidnap two twins and kill them. They were scouting for the Royals and they had gotten too close to our base last time. Moonlark was too busy hiding her identity since now she has to "hangout" with both Royals, so it's up to me and Shadow.

"You okay sis?" Tam asked, coming to sit down next to me.

"Y-yeah." I said, quickly wiping my tears.

"That's a lie." Tam snorted. I smirked and pulled away the rest of my tears with my talent.

"It's just hard knowing we have to kill twins..." I said quietly. He sighed and nodded.

"But it's unfair. Those twins are treated with respect because they're undercover spies for the Royals. Other twins are scorned. Especially us because of our talents." Tam said slowly.

"And that's why we're doing this." I added confidently. He smirked and flicked my head. "OW!" I said, slapping him.

"That's my sister I know. If it makes you feel better, I'll do the killing." Tam said, smirking at me.

"No. I'll do it. They think someone like me can't do anything so I want to be the one to kill them." I said, smiling.

Tam nodded and said, "Let's figure out our plan for tonight."

Soon enough, the time came to commence the plan. We looked over the weapons we had before choosing two gleaming daggers.

  We looked over the weapons we had before choosing two gleaming daggers

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"You ready?" Tam asked me, balancing the larger dagger on his hand. I took a deep breath and balanced the tiny dagger on my finger.

"Yes." We followed two shady figures into a dead/abandoned village. We ran as fast as we could, following a shady figure in the distance. "How do we stop them?" I whispered yelled.

"Create a distraction. I got the rest." Tam said. I nodded and sped off, splitting ways with him. The two shady figures soon turned into actual human forms. The two twins were dressed in all black with their gray colored hair flying behind them.

"Hey!" I yelled, throwing a vase at one of them. They quickly dodged it and I started running away. They chased after me for a while, with me either forming water or grabbing other objects to throw at them. One table hit one of the girls square in the forehead. Tam jumped down on the other one, surrounding her with shadow flux. When I could see again, shadowflux had seeped into the girls arm, making her powerless.

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