Chapter 14 - Fitz

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Why him? I glared down at my shoes as Keefe lets out a whimper.

"Please tell me that wasn't a dream." he whimpered. I sighed and stalked over to my seat. "Awwww! Fitzy! Don't be jealous she decided to be competitive with me." he said. I could almost hear his smirk.

"Shut up." I growled. He laughed and lazily dropped on his chair next to me. He looked up at the ceiling and smiled dreamily, probably thinking about Sophie. I just glared at my paper before I heard a squeal.

"Fitz!" a girl squealed, running from the entrance of the classroom. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I sighed.

"Get off of me." I said.

"Only if you make me your girlfriend." she insisted.

"Chorale Maxine! Get off our future King IMMEDIATELY!" Lady Mirjah snapped as she floated into the room. Chorale rolled her eyes and stomped to her seat at the back of the room. She whipped out her makeup bag and started applying layers and layers of trash on.

"Thank you Lady Mirjah." I said silently. She nodded but sighed.

"I think it would be better if you had your bodyguard with you for today." she said.

I nodded and started getting up before asking, "Can I go get her?" She nodded and as I walked out the room, I heard girls whispering.


"His bodyguard is a girl?"

"Pft. I bet she's pathetic."

"She better not try to steal my man!"



"He will be mine!"

I sighed as I left the room and knocked on the Linguistics Classroom.

"Keep focusing!" I heard Lady Cadence's commanding voice say. There was an inaudible reply and the door opened slightly. "Ah Prince Fitz! What an honor it is to have you here." she said, curtsying.

"Hello Lady Cadence. I'm here to ask for Sophie. Lady Mirjah thought it would be best if she was with me today." I said, bowing slightly.

"Of course. Let me get her." She turned and called out, "Sophie! Class ends early today1 You're going with Prince Fitz!"

"Okay!" Sophie yelled and there were sounds of her picking up her stuff. I frowned slightly. Any other girl would have squealed, knowing I was asking for them. Sophie just walked out and gave me a curt nod.

"Let's go." I said. I started walking and heard Sophie follow me. As we walked into my class, I heard a collective of gasps.


"Wait did you say Sophie?"

"As in Sophie Foster?"

"The one and only Sophie Foster?!"

"I'll be here." Sophie said, leaning against the corner of the room at the front of the class. She eyed the girls that were waving at her warily and sighed. She sighed and gave them a small wave. As the girls started squealing, Sophie clapped her hands and pointed at Lady Mirjah. Everyone immediately stopped speaking and the lesson continued on.

~Time Skip - After Boring Class - > -~

"Keefe is so stupid!" I heard someone giggle.

"But cute~" another girl said, making others snicker.

"I mean, he is hot." Chorale said, still eyeing me and Sophie. Sophie took my hand, making her jump slightly.

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