Chapter 5 2/3 - Sophie

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Hey guys!  I'm going to upload more two-three episodes this or next week because I've been lacking on when I'm supposed to upload and these chapters are short.  Sorry!

I looked around, appalled by all the food around. My mouth watered as I continued to look around. I zoned out from my friends and saw a huge section with mallowmelt. I am definitely going there first. I felt someone tap me so I stopped my music and turned to see Fitz looking awkwardly at me.

"Yeah?" I asked, taking out my earbuds. He looked away awkwardly. "Something wrong?" I asked.

"Um... Well, the others left already in pairs." he said.

"Are. You. Kidding. Me." I said. He winced and nodded. I sighed, knowing that it wasn't his fault. Honestly, I think it must have been Biana and Linh. I sighed and looked down.

"Sorry." he muttered.

"It's okay. Let's just go." I said, sighing. I started walking away and heard Fitz follow me. I decided to go to a section full of Ripplefluffs. I had grabbed a basket before hand and dropped a few boxes of Ripplefluffs into the basket.

"Umm... Sophie..." Fita asked, taking a box of Ripplefluffs.

"What's up?" I asked. He looked at me awkwardly then looked away. I arched my eyebrows.

"Umm.. This is about what you asked me after the first day... I know you were joking because of Biana, but I was wondering if maybe you actually want to hangout?" he asked. I looked at him, shocked. He actually remembered that. I was about to snarl no when I realized that I was going to become his Cognate so I might as well get to know him.

"Sure..." I said, smiling stiffly. He brightened up immediately.

"Really?!" he asked.

"Yeah.." I said, smiling, begging that my face didn't fail me. He smiled and nodded.

"Great! I'll come over to Havenfield to pick you up tomorrow around lunchtime!" he said excitedly. I nodded, smiling bitterly. We started walking again, into a asle full of Custard Bursts. I grabbed a few boxes and felt my imparter buzz.

"Hold this for me?" I asked, holding the basket out to Fitz. He nodded, still bright from our earlier conversations. He grabbed it and I saw Bi was calling me. "Hey Bi!" I said.

"Bi?" Fitz asked, arching his eyebrows and smirking. I rolled my eyes at him and shoved him.

"Hey Soph!" Bi said, smirking. "How are you doing with my brother?~" she purred. I rolled my eyes.

"Would have been better if I didn't know what you and Linh's intentions were." I said, glaring at her. She smiled and shrugged.

"Caught!" she sang. I rolled my eyes again.

"Anyways, what do you want?" I asked.

"Fitz and I need to be back for a meeting and Linh said she had to be back soon for something. So we're going to buy our food and start leaving." Bi informed me.

"Okay. I'll tell him." I said, grabbing a few more boxes of extra treats.

"Tell who what?" Fitzz asked as I finished my call with Bi.

"Bi said we have to buy our stuff and leave because you have to do something." I said. He slapped his face.

"I almost forgot! Let's go!" he said, rushing away. I quickly followed him. We got on a line and saw Biana and Keefe in another line. After we bought our food, we waited for the others.

"Let's go!" Linh shrieked after we met the others. We rushed away, ignoring people screaming our names. Soon, we separate ways at the Leapmaster.

"So..." Fitz said awkwardly. I arched my eyebrows.


"I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked. I mentally sighed and smiled.

"Yeah! See you!" I said and I faced the Leapmaster.

"OoOoOooOoOoOoOoOoOoO.~" Biana said behind me.

"Havenfield!" I yelled. As the Leapmaster jumped into action, I turned and glared at Biana. Fitz was bright red, looking away. Biana wiggled her eyebrows and smirked at me as I faded away. As I appeared at Havenfield, I laughed.

What great friends I have...

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