Chapter 18 - Biana/Linh/Marella *SHORTER (I think O.O)*

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My feelings right now?

Honestly, I'm scared.

Fitz and Keefe haven't been the same ever since my ball. They have been getting into fights constantly and been hiding themselves. I've been scared to even pass through the hallways, knowing the two boys would be somewhere, yelling, screaming, and fighting.

What had happened?

I shook my head, trying to push it to the back of my mind. Sophie was coming over today. And probably staying for a month or two. She can help me get through this.



~When Sophie arrives~

"Sophie!" I squealed, running past the gate and hugging her. She gave out a shaky laugh before hugging me.

"Hey Biana! Say... Is Fitz and Keefe here?" Sophie asked nervously. My heart was strained from jumping up in joy and dropping in sadness.

Fitz. Yay! She might like him now!

Keefe ... Does she like him?

"Uh... Yeah... But they've changed..." I said, wincing. Sophie winced as well.

"As?" she asked.

"They've been getting into fights constantly. I swear... this is the first Fitz has actually scared my dad out of his mind..." I muttered. Sophie didn't even crack a smile.

"Say..." she said uncomfortably. "Think we can avoid them?" she asked. I frowned. That's a strange request to ask.

"Sure..." I murmured. I motioned for her to follow me to the back entrance. We walked in and almost immediately, I heard a fight begin.

"Move your Imparter!" (Keefe)

"Why should I? It's not taking up any space!" (Fitz)

"It's moving into my personal space!"

"Who cares?! You moved into my personal space during Biana's ball!"

"Ha! That wasn't even close to your personal space!"

"Did you get to make a move though?"


"Ha! Me too!"

"So, you bastard?"

"Excuse me?"

"Cheeky bastard."

"YOU ****!"

I sucked a sharp breath hearing Fitz say that. He has NEVER said anything curse words... Sophie winced beside me.

"Let's go!" Sophie said, quickly shuffling away up the stairs. I quickly shuffled after her, hearing the sound of punching. As soon as i ran into my room, I bursted into tears.

"I can't stand this..." I cried, covering my face with my hands as I continued to cry.

"Biana..." Sophie murmured. She came over and hugged me. "It's going to be okay... I want to know how to fix this. Without any drama." she muttered. I stopped sobbing for a second to comprehend what she said.

"Without any drama?" I repeated. She nodded.

"I know what the problem is. But I don't know how I'm going to solve it." she said, looking away. I sighed. Sophie placed down her bag, grabbing something from it and placing it in her pocket. "Let's go down there.: she said.

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