Chapter 16 - Sophie

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"Sophie! Wake up!" I heard someone say softly as they shook me. I groggily opened my eyes to see Edaline. My head snapped up.

"Oh no! How long did I sleep?!" I wailed. I looked around and realized I was in bed with my pajamas on.

"Calm down. Luckily, you finished your homework just before you fell asleep. I quickly changed you and had some gmones help you to bed." Edaline said, caressing my hair. I sighed in relief and got out. I quickly showered and changed into my uniform. When I walked back into my room, Edaline went downstairs. I quickly slung my bad over my shoulder and ran downstairs.

"Make sure to grab food!" Gray yelled from his room as I rushed down the stairs.

"Got it!" I yelled, grabbing a handful of dark brown tortilla shaped food. It taste like French Toast drizzled in syrup. "Bye!" I yelled. I didn't wait for a response before I bolted out the door.

"Hey Sophie..." someone muttered behind me. I turned swiftly to see Fitz. He waved awkwardly at me, which I thought was very cute.

Wait- what?!


I can't...

"Hey!" I said, nodding in response. "Let's go to school!" I said. Fitz nodded and took my hand. I jumped a bit by the connection but felt my face flame. We walked over to the LeapMaster. "Foxfire." I said. The LeapMaster leaped to life and we light-leaped away. We landed and Biana smirked to see me with Fitz.

"Oh ho ho! What do we have here? A lovely couple!" Biana said, answering her own question. I saw Fitz's face flame as I let go of his hand and glared at Biana.

"Biana..." I said warningly. She smirked and stuck out her tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Let's get to class..." I said.

~Time Skip~

"Class is the worst..." Linh muttered. We walked out of Foxfire, homework in hand.

"We'll be fine... I hope..." Biana muttered. I sighed.

"Yeah yeah." I said.

~Time Skip A Few Days~


1 Biana has been practicing her make-up skills to make sure she makes Sophie and the others looked pretty.

2 Sophie and Fitz have been hanging out more, increasing their crush on each other.

3 Keefe has been telling Biana his plans to win Sophie over, which made it easier for Biana to find ways to make it fail. Sophie still doesn't know Fitz or Keefe has a crush on her.

4 Linh and Tam have been spying on King Alden, but haven't been able to find anymore information, which is frustrating the Black Swan.

"Come on come on!" Biana persisted, pushing me into the school.

"The faster you finish, the faster we can help Biana prepare everything!" Linh squealed.

"Todays' the big day!" Marella cheered.

"The day when I am going to suffer." I grumbled.

"So negative." Fitz said, chuckling.

"You'll get used to it." I mumbled. I got shoved in, almost stumbling into my locker. "Ow..." I grunted. I licked the slip. Mallowmelt. Well, it's obviously not Elwin's turn.

"You're the only one with double classes today. Go go go!" Biana urged. I sighed and walked to class. I was halfway there when I saw Magnate Leto (Mr. Forkle) walking briskly toward me.

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