Yang: "Is this really the same caring and friendly Y/n I was traveling with? That's he he is in a fight? So... ruthless...so... terrifying."

She was pulled out of her train of thoughts when a few White Knight Bandits tried attacking Y/n.

Yang: "Y/n behind you!

Her worry however was for nothing, seeing as Redrix grabbed hold of the bandits and threw them across the Camp. One of the causing a Tent to collapse revealing....a Cage with a prisoner.

Weiss: "Yang?"

Yang: "Weiss?"

Capturing Y/n attention, He turned around to see the SDC Heir sitting in a wooden cage.

Y/n: "Weiss? They kidnapped you?"

Weiss: "Yes! The one you just fought!"

Yang: "My Mom kidnapped you!?"

With his Dagger put away, Y/n walked over to the cage, and bare handedly broke apart some of the bars to free her. Almost immediately she was out of it.

Weiss: "Thank you Y/n.............Y/N! Put me down right now you Dunce!"

What she meant was after freeing her, y/n put off his helmet again, and grabbed Weiss into a much overdo hug.

Y/n: "It's my fault you got captured...I'm sorry Weiss."

Yang/Weiss: "Huh???!"

Weiss: "What are you talking about?"

Y/n: "I sent some of my best men after Ruby Ren and Nora, and after Blake to keep them out of harm's way as good as possible...but I couldn't send anyone after you since that idiot of a general would probably have seen it as an Attack is some other offence. He would have started a war with the Horde if I did."

The still by the hug surprised Weiss calmed down eventually She smiled knowing without ironwoods poor judgement, someone from Y/n race would have watched over her... But it wasn't his fault she thought.
She finally returned the hug and spoke softly

Weiss: "You Dolt... not your fault... But thanks for caring so much."

Yang: "Yup, and he's immediately back to being the sweetest guy on Remnant."

Y/n: "Yang, get your ass into the Hug!"

Yang: "Hehe, Coming Boss!"

With that, The Yellow Dragon, The Ice Queen and the locust King shared a group hug that lasted quite a few minutes. Once that was done however, Y/n turned and walked back over to Raven, giving Weiss and Yang some much needed hugging time.

(A/n I May be a firm believer a shipper of Bumblebee, But I swear this is just such a sweet scene)

In front of the Large Tent, Raven finally got back to her Feet, and watched along her second in command Vernal the King approaching

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In front of the Large Tent, Raven finally got back to her Feet, and watched along her second in command Vernal the King approaching.

Y/n: "So, have I proven my point Branwen? That I am your superior."

All he could see was a faint nod.

Y/n: "Goooood, why don't we go into your Tent, I think the girls and you have some catching up to do. On some....maiden buisness."

Her eyes widened at the mention of that word, while vernal tensed up.

Raven: "How do you...Ozpin."

Y/n: "Indeed. But make no mistake. I never sides with Ozpin, I never sides with anyone other than my People, and the innocent."

Raven adverts her grade, and simply walked into the Tent.

Y/n: "Yang, Weiss come on, there are some things you need to know."

The two broke the hug, and looked at each other for a second before following him.



Alright, another chapter done! Hope you guys enjoyed it and leave your guy's thoughts below!

For my Queen (Gears of War Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now