Chapter 37: Student, Teacher

Start from the beginning

"Okay, wow, we really need to start with square one with you, because apparently being with only one, well, I guess two boys for at least the past decade has left you without certain... Excitements in the bedroom department," Meredith deadpans, but teasingly.

"Hey, I've had sex before! It's not like we were celibate!" Addison says a bit defensively, to not seem like such a newborn at all of this.

"Mm, don't you worry your pretty little head about a thing now, Doctor Montgomery. Out there you might be the star teacher but in here... You can just be my special student..." Meredith says in a nice double-entendre.

('You realize if Meredith says to you 'teach me' at work that you're going to flashback to this moment and probably jump her')

('Can you please give me a break?! I have a really naked hot girl in front of me I'm trying to concentrate on how super sexy she is!')

('Oh, do go on then, I think the reverse-strip-tease show is just about to start...')

"Watch and learn, Montgomery," Meredith says to her smoothly.

And holy hell on high water, Meredith Grey is taking out Addison's cream with a twist of her hand.

Meredith is laying the bottle open and ready for her on the nightstand.

Then, she's crawling up on the bunk-beds small step-ladder to where she had been sleeping there earlier.

Luckily for the two of them, the window to the room had already been covered.

This was a show for one guest, and that guest just happened to be Addison.

Meredith starts by dipping her hand into the cream and rubbing it all over her fingers.

Then, she starts with her feet as she runs her hands over them and lets out a moan.

"Umm, I don't have a foot fetish if that's what you're wondering," Addison shrugs at her.

"Good to know, I don't really either, I just have sore feet," Meredith giggles to loosen the tension.

Meredith runs her palms over her calves, and she makes sure to make pleasing noises for Addison, who seems to really get off on her moaning.

"Mmm," Meredith is only exaggerating a little bit, because Addison's cream really IS magical and she wants to ask her where she got it from, except it's probably imported or something ridiculously high-class like that, and Meredith wants to keep torturing her now, without talking retail.

Meredith continues to tease up her legs. She's moving her hands higher up on her thighs now and Addison finally understands why Meredith might have asked her directly 'not to touch herself back' because Addison feels the sudden urge to repeat all these motions atop her own body.

"Ah, ah, ah, I see you. No touching yourself, not even there," Meredith admonishes Addison, who has started rubbing her hands over her thighs.

"Here, just hold this," Meredith offers her pager for Addison to hold in her hand and spin around like a fidget toy.

"It serves a dual purpose. If you move your hands off it I'll stop. And if it beeps you'll just let me know," Meredith says to her casually, as if this were not instructions on how to stop fucking herself while watching her intern stark naked at work.

"Ah, thanks," Addison stutters and it makes Meredith smirk more.

So Meredith keeps up her journey along her bare thighs. And then she runs her hands along her inner thighs and that's extremely intense.

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