Chapter V- The Tailor

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"Down yonder green valleys, where streamlets meander, and twilight is fading, I pensively roam,

"Or at the bright noon time in solitude wander, amidst the dark shades of the lonely ash grove

"Tis there were the black bird is cheerfully singing, each warbler entranced with his note, from a tree,

"Ah then little think I of sorrow or sadness,

"The Ash grove entrancing, spells beauty for me," I sing over and over, finding comfort in the toons, and letting my fingers pick the strings of the guitar back and forth without thinking.

I put the guitar down, and began to hum other songs that my grandfather would sing to me, whaling songs, traditc songs, entrancing songs, and everything in between.

I spin around, and suddenly something at the window catches my eye. I immediately do a double take. I lock eyes with a boy standing in the window, watching me.

My face burns with embarrassment and anger, and I walk outside, slamming the door shut behind me. "Who the hell do you think you are spying on me like that?" I shout, as he just stares at me wide eyed. I glare at him, "Answer me!"

"I-I'm sorry miss- I came over because I was supposed to make a Miss Sophie a dress, but I knocked and no one answered, I looked in the window only because I wondered if anyone was home. And I heard you singing and I..." He stops his frantic rambling.

"And you decided to spy on me?" I push accusatorially, placing my hands on my hips.

"No! I just wanted to hear you sing, that's all," He said, sounding truly innocent in his intentions. I take this time to look him up and down. He seems to be about my age, with dark eyes and hair to match Murigen's. His fair skin is plastered with freckles, and despite his innocent expression, he has an obvious maturity about him.

"Who are you?" I asked him, still skeptical.

"I'm Conall Borgan, I'm the tailor's son, I was sent here to make you a dress for Beltaine."

I nodded and turned on my heel and headed back into the house, letting him follow right behind me.

"What kind of dress were you thinking," Conall asked, seeming all professional again. So I guess we aren't gonna address the fact I was spinning around my room like a 5 year old singing silly songs?

"Uhhhh..." I hesitate, having no idea what would be deemed appropriate for this sort of party. "Honestly, I don't even know what to expect when it comes to this party, all I know is there's a night one and a day one..."

He laughs, a sweet and innocent laugh, "Well, to start I'll explain the day party. People come home from school and such to indulge in the celebrations. It's filled with traditional dancing, singing, and cake, and of course, there's a may pole," He begins to explain. "Here, we also claim a queen of the summer, or a Banríon an tsamhraidh. She's crowded with flowers, and such, she's said to be the bringer of good luck for the summer, and she's the first to jump over the fires that evening. And, she's sort of presented to the aos sí..."

Honestly, all of that sounds lovely, but, fires? I voice this thought, "Fires?"

He made a grunt of affirmation quickly as he continued to take my measurements, "In the evening, huge bonfires are lit, but before they are lit, specifically two large ones, and every other fire in town will put out, and relight with the flames of the Beltane fires. We feast around these fires, and present our offerings to the aos sí, and most of the adults and children leave after the feast, and all unmarried people after the age of 16 stay and dance all night for good luck around the fire. There's lots of other traditions, going to even what flowers we use, but that's the jist of it."

I nod slowly, trying to keep up with all of it, "So... dresses?"

He jumps up in surprise as he seems to just remember what he's doing, "Yes! I'll make you a dress, trust me, it'll be class."

I laugh as he writes the numbers down, "Conall?"


"Who are the aos sí?"

I watch as his face pales and he drops his pen, "Sorry, I shouldn't of called them that, and neither should you. It's the good folk."

"Gold folk?" That's the second time today someone had brought them up...

"You know..." He gestured but I just stared at him blankly. He sighed, "Fae. Fairies, whatever you want to call them."

I scoffed, "You can't seriously think they are real?"

He stood up as if he was about to leave, and looked me dead in the eye. "I'm young, but I've been on this earth long enough to know, not everything is as it seems, not even you miss," and with that, he left.

I stood there utterly dumbstruck as I listened to the noises of his feet padding now the gravel driveway. Are there drugs in the water in this town? What are they on?

I put the guitar back where I found it, and decided maybe I had been a little rude to Conall. In a split second decision, I grab my bag and run after him.

"Conall! Wait up!" I say laughing, almost running straight into him. He glanced at me, confusion written all over his face. "I'm sorry I was so rude, come on, let's get a drink of whatever the hell the black stuff is, I never got to introduce myself."

He looks at me oddly, and then smiles, "What is there to know? Rumors have been going all around the town about you already?" he says with mischief in his voice.

"Oh please, I've spoken maybe 6 words since I have arrived here," I say, shoving him playfully. I have a feeling we shall be the best of friends, and I have no idea why.

"First of all, I know your name is Sophie Meurnier, that you're 16 years old and you're living with Bébinn Ó Dubhàin to learn the ways of a midwife"

"Well obviously," I say, rolling my eyes.

"You're friends with the ever so lovely Muirgen Brennan. I also know that you sing and play the guitar beautifully," laughter filled his voice as I shoved him once more at that remark.

We didn't get far into the village when I almost ran straight into Bébinn walking out of a store with a potted plant wrapped securely in her arms.

"Oh Sophie! I didn't expect you to be here," She says, and then looks straight to Conall, "Oh Conall! I didn't know you were acquainted with Sophie!"

"Newly acquainted, I came over to make a dress for her, and I found her singing some odd songs and playing your guitar. If I didn't know better, I'd say you have a changeling on your hands," He says, teasingly, but something is odd about the way he said it. And then he looks at me and winks, "But Sophie here is far too pretty to be a changeling."

I laugh along with him, as if I understand the joke, but oddly Bébinn just forms her lips into a thin smile.

"Bye Conall! I'll meet you for that drink another time," I say smiling and waving as he walks off down the village.

I silently follow Bébinn as she chats the entire way home, talking of this and that, but I had a hard time paying attention. Other things were on my mind.  

I love Conall so much. he's such a sweet hearted cutie. Any thoughts about the book so far? thanks for reading! <33!

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