Chapter XIII- Summer

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I put on the little outfit the queen had picked out for me, and I have never felt so much hatred towards a single piece of clothing in my entire life. It was as I like to say, extremely extra. Which normally I wouldn't be complaining, but holy hell. I felt exposed. It was basically a low cut leotard, completely covered in shining silver beads and stars. That the top and over the legs were strings of beads of silver, that just like my beautiful shackles, made noise every time I moved.

They didn't need to tie me up or chain me to prevent me from escaping. There was no way I could remove the bells from my ankles and wrists and the larger one tied around my neck on a ribbon like a choker. It makes me feel like the cows that roamed the lunch hills back home.

Speaking of home, I don't really know where the hell I am but I have come to a couple conclusions, all more horrifying than the last. First: Fairies or fae or whatever the hell are real. Secondly: I am in functionally fairy land. Third: I am possibly a slave for a scary fairy queen.

Look, all Imma say is better locked up than knocked up, am I right?

Ok that was a bad example of me trying to lighten my own mood. But like. Holy hell. This is not what I meant when I wanted fun this summer.

I didn't have tons of time to think, before a disgusting man like before opened the door.

"Hurry up lass, the other girls are waiting for you," he snarled.

I threw a vicious glare at him, but followed silently. In other circumstances, I would constantly fight tooth and nail, but also, I prefer not to die. That could just be me tho.

I followed him down beautiful, winding corridors and breezeways. I saw that night was falling but it was as if there was no moon or sun, just darkness rising. I shivered at the thought.

We came to a door where I could hear women laughing and talking inside. The horrifying monster of a man opened the door and shoved me inside, and immediately shut the door behind me, trapping me in.

I looked up to see maybe twelve beautiful girls, all sitting at mirrors doing their makeup. They all looked to be about eighteen, but it was beyond obvious none of them were human. No human could maintain such an unearthly beauty as they did.

One girl weakly smiled at me and took my hand. I could see her protruding ears sticking out from behind her long, full, curly dark hair. She had insanely radiant tan skin and dark eyes. She was dressed in what looked like a green mesh lingerie outfit with a green silk robe. She looked like a goddess.

"I'm Sophie," I quickly said, without thinking.

The girl looked at me, her eyes full of pity, "Is that your real name?"

I shook my head, unable to lie. I have never been able to lie, my entire life, I could spin the truth until it looked like a lie, even if it wasn't one.

"Good, I'm Summer, and that's not my real name either," She said, her voice light and velvety.

I sat down in the mirror and almost fainted at my reflection. The bags under my eyes were extremely puffy as if I had been crying all night, my hair was frizzy and knotted and I had a split lip. I couldn't help but quickly pull back my hair to look at my ears. Human. Thank God.

"I'm sorry if you don't mind me asking, but what are you?" the girl, summer, asked.

I looked at her blankly, "I think a human?" I said, more of a question than anything.

She laughed a twinkling laugh, "Honey, you don't even look human. I can feel the power radiating off of you, and you'd probably be dead already if you were human."

I frowned and looked down at the powers and such in front of me, and began to do my makeup, making my eyebrows darker, my eyelashes thick, black and long, and did my makeup around my eyes to make them huge and fox-like. I painted and dusted my face until it was glowing and bronzed, and cheeks pink. I attempted to hide my freckles, but failed. I painted my lips so they were a matching pink.

I began to brush my hair until it shined in the silky golden way it did. My hair was my pride, and I knew it was bad to be so invested in one aspect, but with all the hatred I had for the rest of my body, I loved my hair. And I loved being blonde, even if I was a medium blonde.

"Come on, It's time to go," Summer said to me, helping me up quickly.

"What do we do?"

"Whatever the Queen says," She glanced over to me, and no faw my pale face. She sighed, "Just, dance. And look like a pretty doll without a care in the world. Flirt with the men, whoever is there. Or else, one of us will get it. She knows better than to hurt you when you misbehave, she'll make you watch as she hurts another girl."

I was almost shaking with fear as I followed the other girls out into a room with blasting music. The room was dark, light with only what seemed to be strobe lights and disco balls. Fog and smoke filled the room, coming from pipes many men held in their hands. The room was huge, with tables of men playing what looked to be card games, beds of people making out, other girls in tiny outfits parading around with drinks. The music was sexy, and oddly sounded very discoy. It looked like vegas on steroids.

"Follow me," Summer whispered into my ear, and pulled me up onto a table. "Dance like you have no cares in the world, or else you will."

I swallowed hard, but did as she said, swinging my hips and dancing like I never had before for anyone but my mirror. 

"One more thing, do not drink or eat anything they give you." 

OK, thoughts so far? how do you like Sophie? I am so tired of seeing comments where people say "Ew I hate blondes" I'm going to image her as brunette, its better than blonde" or things like that. I see it on wattpad all the time and it's just plain rude. be nice, spread positivity. 

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