Chapter VII- Beltaine

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When I woke up, I was in an amazing mood. It was earlier than I normally woke up, but despite my normal hatred for mornings. I crept down stairs to prepare a cup of tea for myself. I looked outside and noticed it was almost dawn.

Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door. I hesitated, and then opened the door to maybe 12 girls, all ranging from about my age to 25, all still in their pajamas. Muirgen stood at the front of them.

"Shhh," She put her finger to her lips, and then motioned for me to follow her. I hesitated, and then did. We all crept fairly quietly, giggling across the dewy hills. 

Suddenly, when we reached the top of one of the hills, the giggles and laughter erupted even louder, and girls began to strip until they were just in their underwear. I followed suit, not exactly sure what we were doing but I wanted to be included.

Suddenly, Muirgen grabbed my hand and pulled me downward. We both began to roll down the wet, grassy hill, laughing. We continued to do this, over and over, until we were soaking wet. I saw girls collect the water in little jars and such.

After a few moments of that, we headed home. Moirgen hung back, and whispered in my ear, "it's tradition. it's said to make you more sexually attractive and help you find a lover," and winked. I rolled my eyes, but I felt great once I got home.

I was enjoying myself. As the young folk say, I was vibin on another level. I played Blackbird by the Beatles on my phone, and hummed along. When I went to the bathroom, I had to do a double take in the mirror. Now, I'm not one to be vain, but I had a whole pregnant lady, third trimester glow going on, and I looked better than I ever had before.

But, I was famished. I went downstairs, and started pulling ingredients down from shelves. I think the thing I miss the most from home is the food. So I decided to make myself some beignets for breakfast. Hell, I'd make enough for Bébinn, Muirgen and Conall as well. I wasn't sure if you gave gifts for Beltaine, but, I'd do it anyway.

2 hours later, I had them finished. I was dusting them with powder sugar when Bébinn stumbled into the kitchen.
"Tah dah!" I said, dramatically displaying my masterpiece.

Bébinn grinned, "You're the happiest I've seen you the entire time you've been here. But, of all days, I'm glad it's today."

I can't help the giant smile on my face, "The way to my heart is through food. Good food. Not that irish food isn't good, but let's just say I'm glad that half the liquids in my carry on were hot sauce."

Bébinn laughed, a full and deep laugh. "Lass, you really are in a completely different mood than normal," She took a bite into her beignets. "These are incredible!"

I blush proudly, "Just wait until I make you my red beans or seafood gumbo or crawfish or soft shell crab, or jambalaya, or king cake, or a poeboy, or..." I trail off, counting things off my fingers and then pause, "Do y'all have okra here?"

Bébinn gave me a look, "Dear lord girl, you already eat more than any grown man I've served. At least you eat the fish and we live on a sea port. I don't understand why would can't stand eggs or meat."

I shrug, "I don't know, I just don't like the taste or texture or smell."

"You're an odd child, that's for sure." Bébinn gets up and goes to take a shower and prepare for whatever else is necessary.

Holy shit, I think as I remember yesterday afternoon. Welp... there's a lot to unpack there but let's just say I'm thoroughly embarrassed.

I physically wince at my embarrassment. The only thing that makes me feel any better is the dress bag, laying across the sofa. I grab it, and rush upstairs.

I open the bag to find one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen in my entire life. It was a soft, seafoam green. The dress was gauzy and long, with a square neck, sheer, slightly puffed sleeves that went down to my elbows. The waist area was tight, starting right under my chest in an empress style, and staying fitted for a few inches down. The skirt was full and flowy, and made of many levels of tulle and gauze. In the back, it tied up, corset style, and somehow left the majority of my back bare.

I slip into the dress, and it feels like magic. To prevent discomfort from the craftiness of the tulle, it's lined in a soft satin. It was a tea length gown, leaving a comfortable amount of space between the hem of the dress and the floor. I look at myself in the mirror, and my green eyes stand out, and my golden blonde hair seems to be shining.

I fully stand by the belief that if you look good, you feel good, and then you have a good day. So, feeling fully confident I would look the best I ever had in my life, I sit down and begin to brush my hair and do my makeup. I never wore a lot, but it was so fun to paint my normally blonde eyelashes a dark black. I tamed my full, dark (darker than my hair that is) eyebrows, and tinted my lips a juicy pink.

"Sophie!" A voice called from down stairs. Muirgen.

"Come up!" I called back, and listened to her thudding feet as she ran up the stairs.

"Oh my god! You look beautiful!" She exclaimed, taking my hands and twirling me about. I blushed furiously. Why do I blush so much? Stupid face.

"Muirgen! Look at yourself!" She really did look exquisite. Her long red hair was braided intricately, and she wore a light blue dress, embroidered with various flowers. It was the same length as mine, but had thin sleeves that tied at her shoulders in a bow shape.

"I made you a present!" I say as I present my beignet to her.

"Oh my god, I'm starving!" She eats the three of them in a few seconds. Somehow she manages to do so while remaining graceful and elegant. "Let me braid your hair! Then, we should go to the party," She squealed excitedly.

I allowed her to braid my hair, and she did a sort of half up half down style. She had one large braid, and then lots of smaller braids and fishtails weaving in and out of it. It looked incredible. I had no lack of hair, which both satisfied her and frustrated her.

Once we were done. I almost ran out of the house. We grabbed our masks for that evening, and I slipped mine into my dress pocket. Bless Conall for these pockets. We both wore flat sandals that were comfortable, even in the dewy grass as we raced across the fields towards a hill, where we could hear music and see people beginning to gather.

As soon as we arrived, the world seemed to be bursting with color. So many people were there, singing and dancing. There was a may pole that children were quickly running around, stands of food and pasties, a platform of young girls step dancing, a bush covered in bows and decorations, and so much more.

"Come on!" I exclaim excitedly, and kick off my shoes. Muirgen does the same and I take her hand and we begin to wildly dance. This is like something out of a dream. 

Ngl, this sounds alot better that corona times....

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