Chapter XXIX- Ogham

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I gulped heavily as I realized I was in the center of the room and everyone was staring at me.

"What is the purpose of calling this council?" one of the veiled women spoke, I couldn't make out her features, but her gown was roman looking, she reminded me of stories of ancient Rome or Greece. Her voice was enchanting and powerful.

"I am here to challenge Queen Étain's claim on this creature," King Alvar spoke, his voice cold and booming, bouncing and vibrating against the stone walls.

"Speak your true name, for no one here may use it against you, and if you didn't tell them pior, they will not remember it afterwards," another woman spoke, her voice slippery and sultry, I could see her dark arms were covered in gold designs that reminded me of tattoos.

"Siofra," I announced, and there was a bit of a twittering chatter that commenced from that announcement.

"Étain, how did you come into possession of Siofra?" the third woman called, I had to bite my lip to keep from gaping at her. It was viable through the veil that she had a full set of antlers and deer like ears.

"She was handed to me by the mortals on the occasion of Beltaine," Étain said, and my heart lurched at her voice. She seemed calm and calculating, not at all surprised by the challenge placed over her claim.

"Tisk tisk tisk- why did you collect her when you hadn't collected previous women?" The first woman asked, a youthful excitement and mockery in her tone.

I watched as Étain stiffened in her seat, "Well, she's not a normal human girls as you can see-"

"So you admit you knew she wasn't human?" the same fate pushed.

"Well, yes-"

"And you are aware of the fact that enslaving a member of another court is an act of war, correct?" The fate with the antlers spoke, cocking her head to the side.

"Yes, but because she was crowned Banríon an tsamhraidh I thought she would be a member of the summer court," Étain spoke, her calm demeanor beginning to break, and cracks of anger showing through.

"Ahhhh there it is, you know the Banríon an tsamhraidh is presented to you, not gifted. There's a difference. Not only did you kidnap a girl from the mortal world, you enslaved a member of another court, which is an act of war," The three fates laughed haughtily and eerily at that.

"Alvar- why did you challenge her claim?" the darkest skinned fate spoke, her voice shooting daggers.

"Étain gave Siofra's virginity as a gift to me, turns out, it had already been given. So, in recompense, I would like Siofra for myself," Alvar spoke. I knew he would probably just give me over to Ciardha, but I felt my stomach drop at going to another master.

"So you offered false promises on top of everything?" one of the fates- I'm not sure which- spoke.

"Queen Étain, you are hereby banished from this Council meeting, be glad the punishment is not worse," The three women chanted together in that same eerie way.

A strong wind, one that reminded me of something, something from before I came here, blew into the room, and those same voices whispering around the room, and as if it was a trick of the light, Queen Étain vanished in moments. A silence filled the room for only a moment, but the other members of the room barely batted an eyelash.

"I am most intrigued by this Changeling. She certainly appears to be human. Even still, most changelings turn to their natural state upon entering Tír na nÓg or a fairyfort, or something of the like. Yet, none of that has happened. Why?" A man's voice called, and he spoke with such eloquence and intelligence, I had never heard anything like it. I turned to look at him, he was perched in a throne with leaves and symbols of the harvest around it. Fall, I thought to myself. I didn't have time to speak to him before my head whipped around at the sound of the fates speaking.

"Her spell must be by a stronger witch," The middle fate spoke, "Let me try something."

Suddenly, pain shot through my entire body, and I collapsed onto the ground screaming, clutching my side where the slowly growing mark was. It was the worst pain I had ever experienced, it was like my blood had been replaced with molten lava. I screamed and withed in pain on the ground. It was unbearable.

"Stop," a familiar voice commanded, and the pain ceased, and I lay panting on the floor. I began to push myself up, my cloak falling off as I did. I stood up, my body still shaking in shock, in my black fitted clothing. I looked up defiantly at the women, I noticed Ciardha move as if to say something, but I spoke before he could.

"You don't own me," I hissed, my voice gruff from pain, "and neither does any of the people in this room. And they never will." I lifted my chin up and clenched my fists.

"Interesting," the three fates chanted.

"Show us what caused you the pain," one demanded. I stopped trying to remember who was speaking when. It was too confusing.

I breathed deeply and hesitated, but complied, peeling the skin tight shirt over my head. Even though I couldn't see them, I knew all the eyes in the room were baring deeply into me.

I looked down at the lines on my side, and recognized the writing for the first time.

"Ogham," I whispered as I looked at the pearlescent lines running down my side. I recognized it because back home I always wore a necklace with my name in Ogham, (an accident Gaelic writing).

"Indeed," the same knowledgeable voice spoke.

"Well, it took you long enough," one of the voices spoke joyfully.

"What is the meaning of this?" a voice growled, but I couldn't will myself to look up from the ground.

"Have you ever wondered why none of you have mates?" The fate with a sad voice spoke.

SOOOOO things are getting real... I think I'm going to make this a series with a bunch of like spin off books you can either read individually or with the rest of the books.... I'll talk more about that when i finish the book but what do y'all think?

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