Chapter XX- Tour

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I was led to a small but clean room in the west tower. As far as I know, I am sort of in a limbo stage between being Étain's property and King Alvar's. Honestly, I wasn't sure either way.

I walked towards the window and looked down. I was extremely high up, and snow covered, rocky cliffs were all that awaited me at the bottom. Realistically, I couldn't get far if I tried. I would die from frostbite. I may be, deep down, some sort of fae, but my body was human. I could die like a human, even doctors testing my blood wouldn't be able to see through the charm to make me appear human.

I sighed, and sat down on the small cot and sighed. Just as I did so, a knock sounded at the door.

"Hello?" I called, and wandered towards the door. Before I could reach to open it, it was thrown up. I jumped back in surprise. I looked to see who it was, and it was the same damn boy from earlier at the pool party.

"I didn't mean to startle you," His voice was soft and hushed, but I simply stared at him in horror.

"Are you stalking me?" I pointed an accusatory finger at him. I watched his face pale, to almost match the white of his hair.

"N-no, I'm not stalking you," He sputtered.

"But you're following me. Why?" I demanded, glaring at him.

He sighed, and hand his hand through his hair, "I can just leave, I was going to offer to take you on a tour of the grounds-"

"Say no more!" I announced, quickly climbing out of my bed quickly and dusting my long woolen skirt as I did so.

He frowned at me, noticing me do that, "Are you planning on wearing that this evening?" Distaste and disappointment laced his words. I felt my face flush hot pink in embarrassment.

"I don't- this is all I brought," I stammered out. Then, feeling embarrassed and week, decided to try and cover it up by flirting, "But I don't need to wear anything if you rather-"

"Nope. No thank you, I will have a new frock provided," He said, laughing, but fear was in his voice.

I crossed my arms and huffed, "Are you going to give me a tour or what?"

I followed him out to the courtyard, feeling my first bit of freedom in ages, despite the constant reminder I was not free, and wouldn't be, for a long time. This reminder presented itself in the form of these damn bells. It was humiliating, especially here, where I bet I was the only servant in the entire castle like this.

Suddenly a thought occurred to me. I looked over next to me where the man with the white hair was walking with his hands behind his back and his piercing eyes flashing back and forth. He seemed so much more serious and intense compared to that evening I met him.

"May I ask you some questions?" I spoke up, hopeful for no negative retaliation.

"You may ask, but I may not answer them all," his voice was precise and thought out.

"First of all, what may I call you?" I said, looking sideways at him. This seemed to surprise him as he looked at me in shock. Then a smirk drew across his face.

"Whatever you like," his voice drawled and he bent down so his face was inches from mine. I rolled my eyes, and he laughed. "You may call me... Conrí."

"Is that your real name?"

He ignored my question with one of his own, "Just don't go around saying it. What may I call you?"

"They call me Sophie. But, I've also been called a lot of other pleasant names including Changeling, brood parasite, slut-" I listed off my fingers, half joking.

"I get the point," He said through fitted teeth.

I smelt a food cooking, and I was almost drooling at the mere thought of food. In the week I'd been here, I had eaten one meal, and then promptly thrown it up. How was I alive? I have no clue. But I remembered Summer's warning, and I planned on heading it, at least until I had the answers I needed. I wasn't incredibly hungry anyway, which was different from my world back at home. But even at home, a few years ago, I loved to starve myself. It's funny how I am now doing it to keep myself safe, while I was slowly killing myself back then.

But, I missed New Orleans food. I had grown to love food, and love myself at least more. And it felt good. Until this bullshit happened.

We came to an area open courtyard, and I almost gawked at the sight. Maybe 50 soldiers were sparring with each other, all shirtless, showing off their scar and tattoo covered muscles. For some reason, just as I did at the sight of any crowd, I looked around desperately, for any sign of those blue eyes. Nothing. I couldn't help but frown and slouch in disappointment.

Conrí seemed to sense it, and looked to me, "What's wrong?"

I shrugged, and just showed him my beautiful shackles, even when I knew damn well that wasn't my reason to be sad. He just gave me a knowing look and began to walk back to my room.

"Do you have a mate?" I asked quietly, but I knew those long ears must be good at something.

"We all have mates, we just may or may not have found them yet," was his answered. I sighed, he wasn't going to tell me anything.

"Oh, you believe in them?" I asked, pushing him farther.

He laughed lightly, "Well- yes, don't you?"

I shook my head and I watched as his surprise covered his face. I paused, and decided to explain, "I mean, mates probably exist. I just don't believe in a love like that. That only happens in novels and movies."

I looked around to realize we were at my door. Conrí's eyes were sad now, but his face was set in a stoic form besides that.

"Inside, you will have a new frock for you to wear, along with whatever else a female may need. I will wait for you to put it on to walk you to the party, where you will be formally presented to Alvar."

I noticed how he spoke casually of the king, and I kept note of that in my mind. I nodded and walked into my small, simple chamber. I looked on the bed and if I had anything in my hands I would have dropped it at the sight of the most beautiful dress I had ever seen in my entire life.

I couldn't help but glide my hands over the soft, glittering clothes. The dress was spectacular, it looked like it was spun from the moonlight that reflected onto the snow down below. It was woven in a pattern that mimicked the delicateness of a butterfly's wing. It's body was strapless and fitted, but there was a second skirt that made an appearance of a full skirt. I slipped the dress on, and it fit like a glove. I looked down to see an extremely long, gold embroidered cloak that I pulled on top. I brushed my hair with the brush they gave me, and braided it like how Muirgen had for Beltaine. I used the cosmetics they had left me, and let my face glow to mimic the fabric. I then slipped on the delicate embroidered and fur lines slippers left with the dress.

I wasn't able to see my reflection besides through a small hand mirror they had left. But I felt beautiful, and that was enough to push away any thoughts and fears for that evening. I opened the door, to see Conrí standing against it, flipping a dagger in his hands. He looked up at me, and I felt a sense of shock radiate through his eyes.

"Shall we?"

Ugh, I'd die to wear a dress like that. I love pretty dresses. I'm so sad prom got canceled cause I had the best dress ever for it... Hope you like this chapter! tell me your thoughts! the dress at the top was the one I was attempting to write about, but the girl wearing it is not at all what I'm imaging Sophie as or anything. I hope you enjoyed the longer chapter! AND two chapters in one day! I pump these out fairly quickly but also theres going to be more chapters in this book than most... 

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