Chapter IX- A gift

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"Excuse me?" I ask, completely confused. What the hell is a fairy-fort?

"Come on, you're queen, are you not?" The boy asked. I nodded. "Well then come on, we are going to present you and drop off the other gifts at the fairy fort."

Something deep in my stomach began to knot and twist. I suddenly felt nervous as all the prior euphoria melted away.

But, I didn't put up a fight. I mean, fairies aren't real so there's nothing to worry about, right?

I slowly got up, and followed the group of men and we trudged across the cold grassy hill, towards another hill near us, with trees at the top of it. I watched as the sun began to sink farther and farther, and my dread began to grow larger and larger.

Once we got there, I realized it wasn't just a small forest. It was a ring of trees. My instincts were telling me to run to it, but reason told me otherwise. The earth was still and calm as we arrived.

"Tagaimid le bronntanais," the men said in unison, just as the sun sank behind the horizon. I was pushed forward into the ring along with the foods and other gifts.

Holy hell, I was a gift.

"Put your mask on. Come back when the fire's lit," a kind voice whispered to me, as if sensing my distress. I simply nodded, not looking up from the ground. I pulled the simple, painted golden mask out of my pocket, and tied it behind my head. I listened as the boys walked back over to the other hill. I watched as they began to build piles of wood, obviously for the fire.

Suddenly, a wind blew out of seemingly nowhere.

"Siofra," It called, and my heart stopped. I must be imagining things, I told myself, shaking my head.

I saw a small torch light one of the fires. I held my breath as I walked out of the fairy fort. As soon as one foot was out of the ring, the wind disappeared. I walked as quickly as I could over to the other hill.

Music was playing once again when I arrived, and everyone was masked.

"Banríon an tsamhraidh" everyone said uninison when I arrived, and for the second time that day, parted like the dead sea. But, instead of a platform ahead of me, a slowly growing bonfire was there. I wasn't huge, there was a stack of wood on one side, and a second, already burning flame that some adults, or straddling families were taking torches from.

My heart is hammering in my chest, and I take a deep breath as I walk towards the glowing fire. I expect myself to be overthinking every movement, but instead, I don't. I hitch up my skirts, high, so my thighs are even showing, and run towards the fire. I leap, over it, like a ballerina but with less grace, and land effortlessly on the ground past it.

The crowd gathers with cheers, and other people start following suit after me. I laugh, as I watch boys mess around, and take turns jumping over it. Once everyone has run over it, they add much more wood to the smaller fire. Out of nowhere, I hear some whistles, and animals start coming up the hill. I laugh as people herd sheep and cattle between the twin flames.

Music starts up, and coolers bust open. Beers are quickly tossed around to people, and I quickly find a can of "the black stuff" in my hand. I gulped down a sip or two, and honestly it was like eating a whole meal, it was so filling. Even to me, I'm always hungry.

"Sophie, come dance with me!" a voice calls. I notice it's some masked man, with a familiar smile. Conall. I smile back and run over to him, take his hand, and trag him with me to between the twin flames. I can't tell who he is, but we line up like in a line dance way, and curtsy to each other. We dance, and laugh, not taking it seriously as I shove him and he attempts to trip me.

The dance changes, and I switch partners. I look up and I find myself staring into the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They were a pale, electric blue, unlike I had ever seen before. But, like my own, they were imperfect. They had a brown slice in them on the upper right hand corner. I watched as they darkened, and seemed to pierce through my very being. Every thought I had, I felt those eyes saw them.

I knew people were staring at me, not moving my feet as people danced around us. Someone nudged me, and my eyes snapped away from those blue ones, onto the ground. I felt my heartbeat in my ears as I reached my hand out to him, offering it. No doubt he could hear it too. He grabbed my hand, and sparks went off all over my body. I was unable to suppress the shutter that overcame me. I looked back into those eyes, but was unable to see the rest of his face because of the black mask he wore. I opened my mouth to say something, but was quickly interrupted.

"Sophie!" Muirgen called, grabbing my arm to pull me away, "Come dance with me!"

I couldn't help but to look back at those eyes, and felt a fierce pang of pain in my heart as I was dragged away, even though I didn't even know him at all. I didn't want to leave, I was dancing with him. But I was unable to form words as I continued to stare at him in wonder. 

As I turned away, I swear I heard someone say, "Mine." 

Who is this person? who keeps calling Sophie by a different name? Thanks for reading. Ngl, shitty day today. BUTTTTT writing this made me feel so much better. Thanks for reading! <3

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