Chapter XXXIX- Awe

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"My- My father?" I sputtered, confusion all over my face, "How-?"

"There's only one way to test it out," Conrí continued, his face grim. I looked over to Ciardha, whose face was stone cold.

"Not now," his voice almost a growl. I watched as he buried his head in his hands. He looked... pained. Distraught. He seemed to collect himself for a moment, before turning his icey eyes towards us "Please leave us Conrí."

Conrí nodded, and silently left the room, the echo of the door closing bouncing off the marble walls. The air hung thick and heavy. For some reason, it almost was hard to breathe.

"Why not now?" I asked suddenly, aware of the silence in the room.

His blue eyes bore into me, leaving me even more breathless. I would never get over how... powerful and darkly beautiful he was.

He shook his head, "For you to know we must..."

"Oh," was all I could think so say.

He cleared his throat, "You're my mate, Sophie. Siofra. I- I know most mates do it within days of being together, but we aren't most mates. There's so much you need to know- so much it could change for you."

Without thinking I blurted out, "Then show me, teach me."

A look crossed his face, one I had never seen before, "You do realize, that as soon as we complete the bond, there's no turning back. No going back. You can't ever be a human, have a normal life afterwards. And as much as I know I need to keep you for myself.... I don't own you, as you've said. I am not going to be the mate to hold you here against your will."

His eyes were soft, kind. The blue that normally reminded me of the hottest part of a flame subsides to almost a sky on a cloudless day. But suddenly, they darkened again, "Not when you don't even know everything you're getting into with me."

I pushed myself up from my seat across from him at the large desk and gazed into his eyes, trying to read for anything there. Anything I could understand.

Silently, I walked around the table until I was facing him. He towered over me, creating a shadow that I stood in.

I reached up, my arm acting on its coalition, and stroked his cheek gently. His eyes bore into mine reflecting that same sliver of brown, his against blue and mine against green.

"You make me feel powerful- dangerous even," I spoke, not knowing what I was saying, only knowing it was the truth. "And I love it."

"Siofra-" His voice came out low and almost breathless. If I thought the air in the room was heavy before, this was something else entirely. I was only inches away from him, and it took every inch of power inside of me not to throw myself on him.

"Everyone keeps saying you're a bad guy- but I can't understand why," I mumbled.

His eyes darkened, power seeming off of him, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

I studied his face for a moment, and bit my lip and almost smiled. I reached up on my toes, held his face in my hands and slowly pressed a gentle kiss against his forehead.

"I could never be afraid of you," I said completely honestly, "But I am utterly terrified of my feelings for you."

When I stood back, staring at his face, bearing it all towards him, I couldn't describe the look on his face. But there was definitely some form of awe or surprise.

To be fair, I was surprised with my own actions. I didn't even know how I felt- I hadn't admitted it to myself. I didn't know what it was- maybe it indeed was the mate bond- but maybe it wasn't.

But... he was looking at me like I was magic. Like a human looking at magic. Something they couldn't explain and were in total awe of.

"I am no good. I destroy things," He held out the palms of his hands, letting a little swirl of that smoke like darkness form. "This power is not only darkness- but also destruction. Chaos. I am the devil, and no one thought I would ever have a mate because I would destroy her. I am darkness and death incarnate."

His voice made him sound broken, but I believed what he said. Fae folk couldn't tell lies- this is how he actually saw himself.

Without thinking, my pressed my palms over his, my hands no were as large as his. I distinguished the little ball of darkness and looked into his eyes.

"Then I will heal the things you break, and together we can be unstoppable," I don't know why I made that vow, but when I said it, I meant every damn word of it.

He moved his hands so they were clasped in mine, and lifted each to his lips, one at a time and slowly. HIs gaze never left mine as he did. The look alone spoke louder than words ever could.

"Meet me. Meet me tonight. I- I have something to show you I think you'll enjoy," he looked at me, as if checking for some sort of confirmation.

I nodded slowly, not being able to leave the trance I was in. He let go of my hands, and it felt like a bucket of ice water had been thrown over me.

I slowly headed towards the door. I had just opened it, and was about to walk outside when I heard him call my name.


"Mhm?" I stopped and turned around to face him, one hand still gripping the side of the door.

"Nothing made me more proud than to see you best my 2nd. I know you will make a strong queen."

My heart was set aflame by those words, and no doubt my face said it all as a hot blush crossed my face.

"I await the day, Ciar." 

this chapter goes out to @maryrose439. You are the reason I wrote this update and I'm going to keep writing this book. thank you. 

pleas comment/vote/whatever. This chapter gives me all the feels, I love thier relationship so much!!! 

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